How do I keep my nose from drying out with oxygen?

How do I keep my nose from drying out with oxygen?

You can prevent nose bleeds caused from using supplemental oxygen by keeping your nostrils moist. You can try using a humidifier, a nasal moisturizer or a nasal spray. If you're having frequent nose bleeds, it's important to tell your doctor and ask what he or she recommends for you.

How can I moisturize my nose while on oxygen?

There are a few ways to keep your nose hydrated while you are using supplemental oxygen. Using a humidifier in your home can provide moisture in the air, which can help moisturize your nose. Though this may not provide a noticeable difference, it can help maintain moisture in the air and help your nose long term.

Can oxygen cause sinus problems?

This is one of the most common side effects of oxygen use. Because oxygen therapy has a drying effect on the nasal passages, it is not uncommon for skin irritation, skin breakdown and nasal dryness to occur when using it.