How do I give my child the talk?

How do I give my child the talk?

Simply letting them know that you are available to talk any time might be enough to get the conversation going. Finally, try not to give them too much information at once. Once the subject is on their mind and they begin to feel more comfortable talking to you about it, they may come back later with more questions.

How your words affect your child?

Words can be destructive weapons that destroy your child's self esteem before it even starts to develop. Choose your words carefully. Saying things like, "Stop acting like a baby," to your preschooler lowers his confidence. Use positive reinforcement instead.

Why the way you talk to your child matters?

When you yell or speak aggressively to your child, you're less likely to get good results and may even harm your relationship. Sure, your child may listen in the short-term, but if you want your child to develop the skills he needs to regulate his own behavior, speaking nicely is clearly the better way to go.

How do I teach my child to talk nicely?

Speak with intention. Make a point to set a good example when you talk to your children, your partner, your family, and friends. Take time to listen to others, don't interrupt, and choose your words well. Your children will see you talk nicely to others, and will learn to do the same.