How do I get rid of tiny ants in my apartment?

How do I get rid of tiny ants in my apartment?

6 Proven Ways to Get Rid of Ants in Your Apartment

  1. Clean, clean, clean. Before you start any method to get rid of ants, you’ll need a blank slate.
  2. Lemon juice. Lemons are incredibly useful beyond cooking.
  3. Cinnamon oil.
  4. Peppermint oil.
  5. Chalk lines.
  6. Hunt down the nest, if all else fails.

Why am I finding ants in my apartment?

Food residue is a big reason ants will infest homes, and why they are often found in the kitchens as opposed to other places in the units. Foods that ants enjoy are starches, sugary foods and greasy foods. Even pet food can attract them. They will then bring the food remnants they find back to their colony.

Why have I suddenly got ants in my house?

Ants explore mainly to try and find sources of food. Whenever there’s a sudden ant infestation, the most likely cause of it is that there’s food somewhere in your house for them. Most ants are opportunistic feeders; they’ll eat just about anything. But they usually prefer sweets.

How ants are useful to us?

Ants play an important role in the environment. Ants turn and aerate the soil, allowing water and oxygen to reach plant roots. These seeds often sprout and grow new plants (seed dispersal). Ants eat a wide variety of organic material and provide food for many different organisms.

Why are ants bad?

Some ants are dangerous to our homes, businesses, outbuildings, and belongings as they are known to damage wood. Others, even though they are only referred to as nuisance ants, can actually be dangerous to our health and well being as they are able to spread harmful bacteria.

What is the benefit of eating ants?

“We have been eating red ants and their eggs for generations. Consuming red ants cures acidity and enhances eyesight and its eggs helps to keep the body cool and prevents sunstroke,” said Sukra Durua, a tribal healer of Siribeda village in the block.