
How do I get rid of old floppy disks?

How do I get rid of old floppy disks?

If you still have a floppy drive, or are able to obtain one to plug into a USB port, you can access the data and run one of the many shredding, or secure delete, programs available. Rub the floppy disk all over, on both sides, with a strong magnet.

What is the code for a floppy disk drive?

The letters we saw on the Front Page of the Observer were N, M, D, I, A, S, O. The city on the Numbers Station Broadcast that has those numbers is “Madison,” which has a corresponding code of “0629,” our first passkey.

What is the code to decrypt the floppy disk in Cold War?


What is the password to the floppy disk in Cold War?

Go to the number station broadcast, and look for the frequency 2,8,2,2 (Red 28, Blue 22). Next to this frequency, the city’s name is the password, which is Houston, in this case. Click on the Floppy Disk, and enter the first code, which is the number sequence password.

How do I get evidence for Operation Chaos?

Before hopping off the ledge and heading to the elevator, check the upstairs of the bar next to the Capital Savings building – there’ll be a map on the wall you can snap a picture of. This will unlock the evidence.

Where is the evidence for Redlight Greenlight?

In Redlight, Greenlight, when you’re traveling down the fabricated Main Street in the Soviet base, head into the building on the right with the sign that says’60 Min Photo’ and move upstairs. Kill the general in the far corner and then take a picture of the map on the wall to get this piece of evidence.

Where is the evidence in nowhere left to run?

Nowhere Left to Run evidence location for Operation Chaos explained. Halfway through the opening mission Nowhere Left to Run, you interrogate Qasim on the rooftop. Select the dialogue choices here that do not throw him off the roof. Doing so will give you the evidence.

How do you kill Arash?

Make your way below the plane and hit the Right Trigger to detonate it, then hold on. After a few moments a cutscene will trigger and your team will have caught Arash.

How do you find evidence in desperate measures?

To find the Evidence for this level, you’ll need to go downstairs to the Server Room. Head back outside and turn left. Walk across the main room and into the hallway with the elevator, then turn right. Open the door at the end of the hall, then turn left and head down the stairs.