How do I get ribbons in FF7?

How do I get ribbons in FF7?

Final Fantasy VII The Ribbon is an accessory that prevents all status ailments except Slow, Stop and Instant Death. It can be found in the Temple of the Ancients and Gaea’s Cliff, morphed from Ho-chu or Master Tonberry, and as a prize by winning ten Special Battles at Battle Square.

How do I morph master Tonberry FF7?

Cast Bio spells (or even better, Bad Breath) at the start of the battle to inflict Poison. Once the poison has damaged Master Tonberry 32 times, it will have 28 HP left. This will enable the player to morph it into the highly valued Ribbon.

What is Ribbon FFX?

Ribbon is an Armor Auto-Ability for the game Final Fantasy X. Its effect almost completely protects against all status ailments. It can be customized to an armor by using 99 Dark Matters.

Where is Wantz in Macalania forest?

After talking to Wantz on Gagazet, he will be found at the entrance to Macalania Woods from the Thunder Plains, after obtaining the Fahrenheit, and completing the mandatory visit to Bevelle.

Where do I get 4 slot armor FFX?

Buy Them from Wantz in Macalania Wantz can be found in Macalania Forest near the entrance from the Thunder Plains. He can sell 4 slot armors for 100,000 gil each. You must talk to Wantz during your trip in mount gagazet for him to appear in Macalania Forest.

Where can I get Tetra armor FFX?

User Info: NextGenCowboy. You have to have spoken to Wantz on Mt Gagazet, after you gain access to the World Map, return to Macalania, and near the exit to the Thunder Plains will be Wantz, who’ll sell blank equips.

Where can I get blank weapons FFX?

After you meet Wantz on Mt. Gagzet, continue until you get the airship back. Then go to the entrance of Macalania Forest (can get there by going through the Thunder Plains) and Wantz will be there. You can buy empty 4-slotted weapons and armor from him.

How do you add abilities to weapons in FFX?

Weapon Customization in Final Fantasy X is unlocked soon after Rikku joins the party, just as you enter Guadosalam. Customizations are used to change Weapons or Armor to improve their abilities. To do this certain things are required: A weapon or armor with a purple box space and a number certain item.

How do you customize triple overdrive?

You can customise Triple Overdrive by using 30 Winning Formula which you can get by two ways, as a drop from Ultima Buster or by bribing Sand Worms. You also get 99 by catching one of every fiend (All Areas). To unlock the Don Tonberry you need to capture one of every fiend from the Cavern of Stolen Fayth.