How do I get magnet in Kingdom Hearts 2?

How do I get magnet in Kingdom Hearts 2?

Kingdom Hearts IIEdit

  1. Sora obtains a Magnet element after defeating Oogie Boogie.
  2. Sora obtains a Magnet element after defeating the Grim Reaper.
  3. Sora obtains a Magnet element after defeating Xigbar.

How do you get reflect in Kingdom Hearts 2?

Kingdom Hearts IIEdit

  1. Sora obtains a Reflect element after defeating Pete in Timeless River.
  2. Sora obtains a Reflect element after defeating Xaldin.
  3. Sora obtains a Reflect element after defeating the Master Control Program.

How do you get to Halloween Town in Kingdom Hearts?

Head to the Battle LV 6 world to reach Halloween Town. Save then enter the Guillotine Square where Search Ghosts are just sitting around, not attacking at all. Head up the steps towards Dr. Finkelstein’s Lab to have an introduction play.

Where do I go after Lock Shock and Barrel?

Where do you go after you defeat Lock Shock and Barrel?

  • speddyfast answered: You pull a lever in the room then save beacuse you have to beat Oogie Boogie.
  • olarvman answered: This took me a while to figure out too.
  • Spyke75 answered: You just leave the manor, on your way out a cut scene should start.

How do you unlock Hollow Bastion?

You just have to go back to the Select World screen when the disembark screen for Neverland appears, and then you’ll be able to fly to Hollow Bastion.

Is Hollow Bastion the last world?

It is the last new location to open in Kingdom Hearts, upon completing Hollow Bastion. End of the World is a by-product of all Heartless’ destructive nature. Although End of the World is the last world, the Heartless are not very numerous as compared to Hollow Bastion, but they are very powerful.

Where do I grind before Hollow Bastion?

Anyways, the best place to level would probably be at Hollow Bastion in the entrance hall. You can also start stocking up on crystals and going for a Defender and Wizard’s Relic there. You could also start farming stones before the special heartless get a buff.

What level should I be to fight Riku the second time?

1) You don’t need to be level 50-60 unless you have a really, REALLY hard time with boss fights. Anything from level 40-45 should suffice for Beginner or Final Mix(I normally get to Riku/Ansem at level 42 or 43) and level 45-50 on Proud, unless you are an expert at Proud mode.

What level should I be for the End of the World Kingdom Hearts?


What level should I be to beat kh1?

50+ is definitely good enough for proud mode. Other modes can be bested at ~40. Aeroga doesn’t do anything for the final bosses.

What is the max level in Kingdom Hearts?


Can you leave the end of the world in Kingdom Hearts?

Banned. If you can’t get back to the world terminus the only other save point left for you is the final rest right before the final boss. You should be able to leave from there.

Who is the final boss in Kingdom Hearts?


How do you kill Ansem?

For the most part Ansem can be stunned devastatingly by Comboes and will go down pretty quickly. Basically just don’t take damage for granted. He can hit hard but it’s fairly infrequent and he leaves himself open to attacks.

What happens after you beat Ansem in Kingdom Hearts?

Final Rest is the last place you can save before beating Ansem. etc. So, no, there is no way to save after you beat Ansem, however, you can go back and fight him as many times as you like and/or do some side quests^, etc.

How do you beat Ansem the second time?

  1. When he says “Take this” guard immediately. Then attack him non stop until he does something else.
  2. When he’s using his ultimate attack, dodge roll repeatedly.
  3. If he gets you with that SUBMIT attack, just dodge roll, and if the Guardian hits you, just cure.
  4. Er..

How can we save after Chernabog?

There is no save after Chernabog and before this room so it’s really irritating me. You can go back after Chernabog, just keep flying up. Then save in the 100 Acre Wood area.

How do you get the Ultima Weapon in Kingdom Hearts 1?

Obtained: The Ultima Weapon must be created in the Synthesis Workshop in Traverse Town. The player must synthesize all 30 items in the workshop for the Ultima Weapon to become unlocked.

How do you beat Darkside in Kingdom Hearts?

When Darkside punches his fist into the ground, a pool of darkness appears, and Shadow Heartless rise from it. Ignore them and use that opportunity to attack his wrist. When the Darkside retracts his hand, press R1 again to lock off his wrist, and then lock on to the Shadow Heartless and defeat them.

Who is Sora’s Heartless?

Sora’s Heartless is a minor character and a form that Sora takes during the final act of Kingdom Hearts. In Kingdom Hearts coded, the digital version of this Heartless serves as the main antagonist and the source of the Bug Blox corruption.

Is Darkside Sora’s Heartless?

Darkside is a NATURAL Heartless. That’s why there were some in Kingdom Hearts and the one that appeared when you fought Ansem. Darkside was not born out of Sora’s darkness and Riku did not become Darkside and Ansem is not Darkside.

What is a pureblood heartless?

The Pureblood Heartless are natural Heartless, born when people’s hearts are normally consumed by darkness. They are ink-black in color, with yellow beady eyes. They are more common in places that are close to or saturated in darkness. Upon their destruction, they simply disappear in puffs of darkness.

Are nobodies stronger than heartless?

Nobodies in general are more intelligent as they are the mind and body left behind, while heartless act on a sort of primal instinct. There are many different Heartless and many different Nobodies, some of which are stronger than others.

Do nobodies have hearts?

NobodiesEdit Nobodies are empty shells left behind by strong hearts. Nobodies are created when strong-willed individuals lose their hearts and fall to darkness.

Who is Riku’s nobody?

Riku’s body was never a Nobody, and his heart never gave into the Darkness so he had no Heartless. Riku’s heart becomes a heartless enslaved by Ansem during your first fighting phase with him. (You know, the heartless guardian, which is plausible because Riku has a growing darkness in his heart throughout the game).

Who is Ventus nobody?

Sora’s nobody IS Roxas, because Roxas is the combination of Sora’s body and Ventus’ heart.