How do I convert master builder to heathen?

How do I convert master builder to heathen?

The Heathen Master Builder is located at the southern edge of the village, near the Blocking Totem. To convert the Heathen Builder, you must challenge them to a build-off competition. The Heathen Builder is relatively fast so you’ll need the Time Warp God Power (500 energy) to beat them.

How do you destroy the knowing totem?

In order to assign your villagers to dismantle it, you need to cast the Lightning God Power on the heathens guarding it and they’ll run away. Immediately drop your villagers on the totem to start dismantling it.

How do you get lightning in Virtual Villagers 5?

Keep gathering relics, converting heathens and having babies until you have 100 Divine Energy points. This unlocks the Lightning spell. Unleash the lightning spell on the totem to chase away the guards. Then instantly drop your adults on the totem to dismantle it.

How do you dismantle a rainbow totem?

Assign two of your villages to get the red and yellow dyes and they’ll put them into the baths. Once the water of the baths turns orange, the bathing heathens will get out of the water. At this point, immediately assign your villages to start dismantling the Rainbow Totem.

How do you dismantle a hungry totem?

Simply use a villager to lure the heathen away from the totem, or cast Bees to chase him away and assign other villagers to start dismantling it. Villagers with building skill will dismantle the totem faster.

Where is dry grass Virtual Villagers 5?

The dry grass is located south of the research lab, across the log bridge from the fenced-in area where your villagers start out. You should see a small patch of grass in the open area there.

Where is dry grass Virtual Villagers 2?

Puzzle 1 involves building a fire in the fire pit. Drag one of your villagers to the pile of dry wood in the southwest part of the village to gather firewood. After the wood is placed in the fire pit, take a villager to the very dry grass that can be found to the west of the coconut trees.

How do you remove heathens from firewood?

there is a super way to keep them away. just hover the villager you are using to lure them away slowly, slowly kinda over their heads and all the ones you are luring away will come to a stop right under the villager you are working with.

How do you get food in virtual villagers?

One way to get temporary food is to set children about to the task of finding mushrooms, but that just won’t do it for food. The real way to get food is to upgrade your Farming technology to level 2, but to do that you need 6,000 tech points.

How do you get food in Virtual Villagers 4?

Simply drag a villager onto the palm and they will shake down a fruit, cook it on the fire and then take it to the food bin. There is an unlimited supply of yellow fruits, but harvesting is slow and doesn’t yield that much food.

How do you get cloth In Virtual Villagers 4?

Drag a villager to the pot to have him add the vines. Drop a villager on the pot to have him take the mixture to the rocks. Continue to drop villagers on the mixture. When villagers will not allow you to drop them on the mixture anymore, you are finished and will have the cloth technology.

How do you fish on Virtual Villagers 4?


  1. Drag an adult to the piers to repair them. They will take several dry woods to repair.
  2. Drag an adult to the piers after they have been repaired. They will use the cloth to repair the fishing nets. Repeat the process until the nets are repaired.
  3. Now you can get fish by dragging an adult to the piers.

How do I teach my virtual villagers to fish?

There are two requirements to enable your villagers to fish: Level 3 of Farming Tech and a beach that’s free of debris, so that they can access the ocean.

How do you teach villagers to fish in Virtual Villagers Origins?

Drag villagers to the ocean and they will begin to catch fish as a new food source. Move the villagers back to the water if they refuse to fish. They will eventually earn farming skill points and continue to fish on their own.

How do you fish on Virtual Villagers 3?

This is done by dropping your chief on the food storage bin. Later on in the game you get fruit trees and fish. The fruit tree grows and you can harvest fruit from it later. To get the fish, you must complete the eleventh puzzle by making the right potion to banish the sharks.

How do you lift in Virtual Villagers 3?

How to work the lift is, when it came to rain, drag your tribe to stand on the lift. The rain will fill the side of the lift with water which will make you can go up. Let the tribe to reach the top of the tree above her/him. A fruit will fall down from the tree.

How do you get rid of the sharks in Virtual Villagers 3?


  1. Make a villager drink the potion and they will take the vial to the sharks.
  2. When they reach the water, they will dump the potion and the sharks will be gone.

How do you complete the puzzles in virtual villagers?

Your villagers will need to have researched Level 2 of Construction to work on this puzzle. Drag a villager to the pile of rocks blocking the flow of water from the creek. Once the blockage is cleared, the water will flow into a sparkling lagoon that your villagers will use for various work and leisure activities.

How do you find the buried treasure in virtual villagers?

The treasure can be found just south of the food bin, between the temple and the bin. A clue is not given by just dragging a villager over the area. You need to place the villager – a master builder – just right to discover the hiding spot. It may take multiple tries to place the villager correctly.

Who is the golden child in virtual villagers?

With Puzzle 5 and 12 completed, and Level 3 of Fertility, put a nursing mother in the lagoon. The child will become The Golden Child. As long as the previous puzzle is finished, put The Golden Child on the magic garden discovered in Puzzle 9. Butterflies will appear and follow The Golden Child.

What age do villagers stop having babies?


How old do virtual villagers have to be to work?

14 years old to 18 years – They can begin to contribute to the tribe by working.

Why won’t My Virtual Villagers have babies?

Villagers won’t produce children if there is not enough food or housing. Your population is limited to 7 villagers until the first new hut is completed, 15 villagers for the second hut, and 25 villagers for the third hut. If there is adequate housing, she may just require persistence in order to produce babies.

Can a child die in Virtual Families 2?

Like living organisms, your virtual family is able to grow, age, and eventually, die. This is the last stage of a little person’s life after adult, after which point they will not grow any more.