
How did Aunt Alexandra upset Scout?

How did Aunt Alexandra upset Scout?

Scout says she knows that Aunt Alexandra does not like her, and she does not care. What upset her was that Aunt Alexandra had called Walter Cunningham “trash.” Scout explains to Jem what Aunt Alexandra said that caused her to cry.

What causes a problem between Aunt Alexandra and Scout?

Scout is angry with her aunt for constantly nagging her about the need to wear dresses and for not allowing her to eat Christmas dinner with the grown-ups; instead she has to sit at the “little table” with Cousin Francis. It is Francis who instigates Scout’s trouble with Alexandra, blaming Scout for picking on her.

Why does Aunt Alexandra hate the Cunninghams?

Alexandra feels that the Cunninghams and other poor farming families are dirty and lack the social refinement of citizens from her same social class. Aunt Alexandra’s prejudiced views toward lower-class white families like the Cunninghams are similar to her prejudiced feelings regarding black citizens.

What is Aunt Alexandra’s attitude towards the Cunninghams?

She thinks the Cunninghams are nothing but trash and not a good influence on Scout. Aunt Alexandra has in her mind the way she thinks young girls should be raised. She doesn’t think Scout should continue to behave the way she has; she believes that she has come just in time to help Scout.

What does aunt Alexandra say to Scout that upsets her?

Aunt Alexandra says, “We’ll see about that” (Lee 299). Scout looks surprised and asks why not, and Alexandra tells her that the Cunninghams are not their “kind of folks.” Alexandra elaborates by commenting that someone can wash Walter and put him in a new suit, but he’ll never be like Jem.

Why does Aunt Alexandra not want Walter Cunningham Jr in the house even though the Cunninghams are admittedly good folks?

Why does Aunt Alexandra no want Walter Cunningham in the house, even though the Cunninghams are admittedly “good folks”? Aunt Alexandra thinks that the Cunningham’s are “trashy folks” and she doesn’t want them to pick up any bad habits from them.

How does Aunt Alexandra try to make a lady out of Scout?

Aunt Alexandra is determined for Scout to act like a “lady,” by wearing dresses and playing with “girl” toys. Scout has a tomboy personality and is determined to rebel against Alexandra’s expectations.

What complaint does Aunt Alexandra have about Scout?

Aunt Alexandra feels Scout is not being raised well without a female influence in her life. She says she is becoming too much of a tomboy and not enough like a lady, she tries to teach Scout herself and to have her involved in the “female” activities and wear a dress rather than overalls.

What is Scout’s opinion of the Cunninghams?

Scout does so by saying, “Miss Caroline—he’s a Cunningham.” When asked for an explanation, Scout says that the Cunninghams have never taken anything that they cannot pay back. They take no charity from churches or gifts from anyone; they have never accepted “scrip stamps,” either.

What is one subject about which Scout and Aunt Alexandra disagree?

The disagreement that Scout has with Aunt Alexandra is that she won’t let waiter come over and that Scout disappoints her father. Their disagreement shows Scout’s growth in how she understands the world because she’s older now.

How do Scout Atticus and Aunt Alexandra differ in their opinions of the Cunninghams?

Briefly show the difference in attitude toward the Cunninghams as expressed by Atticus and Aunt Alexandra. Atticus believes that they are nice people and Aunt Alexandra believes that they are trash. You just studied 6 terms!

What do we learn about the Cunninghams in Chapter 23?

In Chapter 23, Atticus tells the children that one of the Cunninghams on the jury voted to acquit Tom Robinson. Atticus understands the Cunningham family on a personal level and has respect for them. He does not judge them based on their social class, but instead judges the members of their family by their character.

What did aunt Alexandra say about Walter Cunningham?

Scout asks to play with Walter Cunningham, Jr., but Aunt Alexandra says “Indeed Not.” Scout asks her why she can’t play with the boy. After all, this was the same boy that Jem invited to lunch when Scout was in first grade, and Atticus chatted with him like an adult. “I’ll tell you why,” she said.

Why was Walter Cunningham not invited to Scout’s House?

In the Finch family: Scout is astounded when Aunt Alexandra informs her that she can’t invite Walter Cunningham to play at her house “‘Because — he — is — trash'” and because “‘Finch women aren’t interested in that sort of people.'”

What did aunt Alexandra do in to kill a Mockingbird?

For all these faults, Aunt Alexandra does rally around Atticus and try to comfort him when he loses the trial, and she remains concerned for Scout and Jem ’s safety once Mr. Ewell begins harassing Atticus, Helen Robinson, and Judge Taylor. Aunt Alexandra Quotes in To Kill a Mockingbird

How does Scout react to Aunt Alexandra’s edict?

Before Scout can react (physically, it would seem) to Aunt Alexandra’s edict, Jem steps in and leads her sobbing from the room. In the same way that Scout cannot see anything wrong with Dolphus Raymond or Tom Robinson, she does not understand the harm in playing with a youngster that is, even by her aunt, deemed from a family of “good folks.”