How can I raise my vegan baby?

How can I raise my vegan baby?

Offer iron rich foods at least 2 to 3 times each day to help your baby meet their needs. Vegan food sources of iron include: fortified cereals, beans, peas, lentils, tofu, broccoli, kale, and green beans.

Can baby eat tofu everyday?

Tofu is a protein food that may be difficult for an immature tummy to digest. Along with Meat and Egg Yolks and other more complex proteins, most pediatricians recommend offering tofu to the baby who is 8 months of age or older. As Tofu is a soy product, you should not offer it to an infant who has any allergy to soy.

When can babies start eating pureed meat?

You might give meat a try between 6-8 months old. Introducing meats earlier will help baby gain more iron, zinc and also protein. Offering meats around the time that baby's iron stores may be depleting will help ensure a steady stream of heme-iron.

Do vegetarian children need supplements?

Babies and young children on a vegetarian or vegan diet can get the energy and most of the nutrients they need to grow and develop from a well-planned varied and balanced diet. But they might need specific supplements (such as vitamin B12) in addition to the usual vitamin supplements recommended for all babies.

Can babies eat tofu?