How can I pass my physics exam without studying?

How can I pass my physics exam without studying?

Take a deep breath, it isn't the end of the world (even though it might seem so) Plan and allocate the time you have for each chapter (take the ones you find easy first and then tackle the harder ones) Sleep well for at least 7 hours (no amount of studying will be fruitful if you don't sleep)

Is physics really that difficult?

It depends. Physics CAN be really easy some times (because it is basically just math). But it can be hard as well. So while high school physics (and sometimes physics at universities sometimes too) often is simple, physics will become hard the deeper you get into the material.

How do you complete physics in 2 days?

1.5 ((Theory and Concepts) + 1 hour (Numericals/Previous years) + 0.5 Hours (NCERT Solved). Remaining 1 hour is for final brushing on last day. Magnetic Effect of Current (5 Hours) – 2 Hours (Theory and Concepts) + 1 hour (previous years) + 1 hour (NCERT Solved). Remaining 1 hour is for final brushing on last day.