How can I make my rough hair soft?
How can I make my rough hair soft?
“Frizz is caused when hair is dry and lacks moisture,” Gurgov said. “When your hair is dry, the cuticle is rough, and when the weather is humid, it's the perfect recipe for frizz. The outer layer of the hair takes in the moisture from the air, causing the hair to swell and frizz.”
How can I make my hair softer overnight?
Coconut oil is the most awesome tip to make your hair silky in one night. Apply and massage coconut oil on your hair in such a way that every strand gets coated with the oil. Then run a comb through your hair and braid it nicely. Morning next, shampoo your hair to wash off the oil and get silky and shiny hair.
How can I hydrate my hair?
To hydrate hair naturally, heat 1 to 2 tablespoons of coconut or olive oil and comb it through your dry hair. Then, cover your hair with a plastic shower cap and wait 20 to 30 minutes before rinsing it out. End the treatment by washing your hair with shampoo and conditioner.
Why is my hair getting rough?
Your hair can get dry because your scalp doesn't make enough oil to moisturize your hair, or your hair lets moisture escape. Your scalp isn't making enough moisture. Hair has no natural lubrication. It relies on oils made in the hair root to keep your hair moisturized and looking lustrous.
Which oil is best for making hair silky?
Hair salons use a variety of products to make hair feel very silky soft after blow drying. Usually it all starts in the salon's wash room with a hydrating shampoo formula designed to add moisture and soften. Most salons sell the exact products they use on your hair and would love to sell them to you.