How can I have a flat tummy?

How can I have a flat tummy?

A dramatic body makeover in one week is a bit unrealistic, but you can make a good start toward a toned-up body and see results in just seven days. Extreme diets and exercise regimens, however, can deplete your body of energy and nutrients it needs to build muscle, and you won't end up being more toned.

What should I eat to get toned?

Toning up and building muscle in 6 weeks is a very short time frame during which to change your body. Six weeks of sticking to a clean-eating plan and living with and learning from exercising every day however is a great start.

Can walking tone your body?

Walking helps build muscular strength and endurance in your legs and torso, contributing to the toning and tightening of your lower body and midsection. Your abdominals and lower back muscles remain contracted to maintain your posture.

How can I lose weight and tone up without going to the gym?

Many women (and even men these days) feel that shedding weight through cardio and diet before resistance training will lead to a leaner looking body in a faster time. The thought is to lose all the excess pounds on the scale and then “tone up” the leftovers for a sleeker, sexier, firm body.

Is 6 weeks enough to tone up?