How can I get Krishna blessing?

How can I get Krishna blessing?

Krishna says, "Always think of Me, become My devotee, worship Me, and offer your homage to Me." 'Worship Me' means, whatever makes you happy is my happiness. 'Offer homage to Me', means we want to see the whole world offering homage to Krishna. When we have that consciousness, we are thinking of Him.

How do I offer BHOG to Krishna?

If all the Deities are sharing one plate,chant the mula-mantra for the main Deity.) Put tulasi leaves on the bhoga preparations on each plate. (You may put tulasi leaves on the bhoga plates of your spiritual master and Srimati Radharani, as they will both first offer their plates to Krishna before partaking.)

How do I offer food to Krishna?

Arrange portions of the food on dinnerware kept especially for this purpose; no one but the Lord should eat from these dishes. "I offer my respectful obeisances unto His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, who is very dear to Lord Krishna, having taken shelter at His lotus feet.

Which flower does Lord Krishna likes?

As Lord Krishna is the avatar of Lord Vishnu, he is fond of every luxury and class. Aromatic flowers like jasmine, mogra, tuberose, etc. are his favourite flower. While decorating the 'Jhula' for little Krishna, use these flowers.

Which Krishna statue can be kept at home?

Vastu suggests that Radha Krishna idols and paintings create an aura of love and peace. Radha Krishna paintings and figurines can be kept in the main hall, bedrooms or a couple's bedroom of the house. These paintings or statues are considered the symbol of love.

Is it good to keep Krishna idol at home?

Vastu Tips For Placing Lord Krishna Statue To Invite Prosperity. According to Shastras Lord Krishna is also one of the charming gods who had the elemental quality of attracting everyone who came in contact with him. So keeping a Lord Krishna Statue in a home is very beneficial and divine.

How can I please Krishna?

Krishna is pleased by devotion. That illustrates the character of our life. Krishna says, “Always think of Me, become My devotee, worship Me, and offer your homage to Me.” 'Worship Me' means, whatever makes you happy is my happiness. 'Offer homage to Me', means we want to see the whole world offering homage to Krishna.

What is Lord Krishna’s Favourite food?

The food which is offered to Krishna with love and affection is His favourite food. Once Duryodhana prepared delicious foods such as ladu, puri, Kachori, Makhan and served Him in golden dishes and water in golden cups.

How can I impress Lord Shiva?

Draw the krishna feet from entrance till pooja room. Decorate the krishna idol by keeping flowers and garland. Make him ready for celebration 🙂 In many houses in South India, people draw footsteps of Lord Krishna from the entrance of the house to the Puja room.

How can we keep Krishna idol at home?

Place: Third thing is about the place where you are locating the Lord Krishna Statue. Although you can keep the divine statue anywhere in your home; but always remember the direction of the face of a statue which should be in east or west. Never place the statue, near your bathroom or bedroom area.

How can we worship Radha Krishna at home?

First thing to consider while placing Krishna Statue is the direction. It is suggested to place the idol in the northeast corner of the house and preferably it should face either east to west or west to east.

How can I make Lord Krishna happy?

Lord Krishna will be happy if we see him in every other living being. He will be happy if we spread love and kindness in this world. He will be happy if we think for his well-being(although he is supreme god, he loves people caring for him). He will be happy if we feed hungry living beings.

How do you do Krishna Janmashtami Pooja?

Firstly, you can make or purchase a cradle and place Lord Krishna's idol in it. Pray with utmost bhakti and pure mind, heart body and soul to invoke the Lord. With folded hands pray to him to accept your puja. Then, clean his feet with water (you can also use the holy Ganga Jal) and perform the Abhishekam.

How do I offer Naivedyam to God?

Naivedyam means food offered to a Hindu deity as part of a worship ritual, before eating it. As such, tasting during preparation or eating the food before offering it to God is strictly forbidden. The food is first placed before a deity and specific prayers are offered with accompanying rituals.

How can I offer prasadam to Lord Krishna?

Jagad Hidhaya Krishnaya Govindhaya Namo Namah. You must chant all the above slokas in sequence THREE TIMES standing before the food! Then, Pray to Krishna: “My Dear Lord Krishna, Please accept this food and forgive me for any offences while preparing and offering!

What sweets did Lord Krishna like?

Milk sweets like rabri, kheer, peda, gopalkala, misti doi, kalakand etc. are some of the favourite sweet items of Lord Krishna.

What is Krishna Prasadam?

Prasadam literally means “mercy” and devotees of ISKCON use this term to describe pure vegetarian food that has been offered to Lord Krishna. However, when the food is prepared for the pleasure of Krishna He accepts the love and devotion present in the offering and removes all sins from it.

Why did Krishna steal clothes?

The gopis had to bath in the waters of Yamuna, before going for the pooja. When Krishna saw this, he stole their clothes. Thus, Krishna stole garments of the gopis, to teach them a lesson, and show them the right path. Gopis, accepted their mistake, and promised Krishna that they will never bath naked again.

What is Krishna’s favorite color?

While talking about favourite things of Lord Krishna, you get curious to know about his favourite colour. Though the idols are decorated with different colours of dhoti, the colour, mostly used is yellow. This year, buy yellow dhotis and red turbans to welcome 'Bal Gopal'.

What is love according to Krishna?

According to Lord Krishna and Lord Ram, love comes from heart and not from any physical or sexual relationship. Love is treating someone the way you want to be treated and not differentiating between any human being as at the end of all comparisons, comes one conclusion that we all are atma.

What do Hare Krishnas not eat?

Krishna has nothing to do with garlic and onions, which puran and scriptures says you can't eat garlic and onions. According to Gita food that is old and stale is the food in mode of ignorance not the garlic and onions. All these so called organizations like iskcon and Gaudiya they made their own rules.

How can I offer Tulsi to Krishna?

My humble obeisances unto thee again and again." Tulasi's leaves should be washed three times before offering, and should be kept in a bowl of fresh water inside a refrigerator. If They are not kept like this, They turn limp and pale. If They are kept in water, but not in a refrigerator, They will turn brown.