How can I get Krishna blessing?

How can I get Krishna blessing?

Krishna says, "Always think of Me, become My devotee, worship Me, and offer your homage to Me." 'Worship Me' means, whatever makes you happy is my happiness. 'Offer homage to Me', means we want to see the whole world offering homage to Krishna. When we have that consciousness, we are thinking of Him.

How do you pray Krishna?

Begin chanting the prayer shubham karoti kalyanam and light the diya. Then say gurur brahma gurur vishnu. then, you chant any Krishna bhajan that you like and offer an incense stick 7 times in a circular clockwise motion.

How do I ask Krishna for help?

“do not try to see God, but try to serve God in such a way that He will come to see you”. Do sadhana,Read BG and Srimad Bhagavatam,Chant and remember his name and glories. Hari Hari Bol !! Which mantra is more effective for chanting towards God, "Hare Krishna" or "Om"?

How can I see Lord Krishna?

You can see lord Krishna by purifying your heart by chanting his glories and name all the time as He lives in our heart. A person cannot see Him with materialistic eyes. We have to close this materialistic eyes through controlling of senses and open the eyes of love and knowledge to know Him.

How can I be a good Krishna devotee?

Learn to recite the Maha mantra, which gives you peace and connects you to Lord Krishna, and meditate. You can also practice Bhakti yoga by chanting, studying the sacred texts, or spending time with other devotees. Finally, create an altar at home or attend a nearby temple to worship with others.

How can I call Krishna?

“do not try to see God, but try to serve God in such a way that He will come to see you”. Do sadhana,Read BG and Srimad Bhagavatam,Chant and remember his name and glories. Hari Hari Bol !! Which mantra is more effective for chanting towards God, "Hare Krishna" or "Om"?

What does Krishna want from us?

krishna says that you should only dedicate your life to the welfare of the society..on doing so many difficulties will try you to distract you but you should only be focussed on your AIM without worrying of results..he wants all of us to opt for NISHKAM KARM..that is work without any desires and facilities.

How prayers can work miracles?

According to him if a man has even a grain of faith, he can move mountains with it. So people who have true faith, they work miracles. Jesus did all the miracles with faith. So if you are in search of any miracle in your life, it is possible through prayer and faith only.