How can I experience Krishna?

How can I experience Krishna?

You're only way to truly feel His presence is to chant Hare Krishna Maha mantra. Most importantly, be honest with Him. He will not hurt you. Follow the footsteps laid by ISKCON founder Prabhupad.

How can I get closer to Krishna?

Bhakti yoga means the path of dedication and love. The Bhagavad Gita describes physical exercise of yoga and the spiritual nature of yoga. Bhakti Yoga moves beyond the physical and is focused on living a life of dedication and service to Lord Krishna.

How can I pray to Krishna at home?

Begin chanting the prayer shubham karoti kalyanam and light the diya. Then say gurur brahma gurur vishnu. then, you chant any Krishna bhajan that you like and offer an incense stick 7 times in a circular clockwise motion.

How can I practice Krishna consciousness at home?

The first principle in devotional service is to chant the Hare Krishna Maha-Mantra. You can chant these holy names of the Lord anywhere and at anytime, but it is best to do it at a specific time of the day. Early morning hours are ideal. When you chant alone, it is best to chant on Japa beads.

Can I marry Lord Krishna?

Yes! Despite all the protestations you hear from Big Tech, there is a simple privacy law that makes sense without destroying th Jaake rakhay Bhawna jaisay prabhu Murat lagay us Jaisi… The God will come to you in any form you wish but devotion should be pure.

Where is Lord Krishna now?

Lord Krishna eternally resides in Goloka Vrindavan in the center of the Vaikuntha realm…

How can we feel the presence of Lord Krishna?

You're only way to truly feel His presence is to chant Hare Krishna Maha mantra. Most importantly, be honest with Him. He will not hurt you. Follow the footsteps laid by ISKCON founder Prabhupad.

How can I make Lord Krishna happy?

Lord Krishna will be happy if we see him in every other living being. He will be happy if we spread love and kindness in this world. He will be happy if we think for his well-being(although he is supreme god, he loves people caring for him). He will be happy if we feed hungry living beings.

How can Krishna help me?

There actually are simple God will approach you the same way you approach Him. The devotee cannot expect practical fruits (result) for his/her theoretical devotion (like chanting, praying, singing, mediation etc) since the Gita says that God approaches you in the same path as you approach Him.

How can we develop love for Krishna?

Go to some Guru and take Vishnu mantra diksha. Devote yourself in worshiping Lord Vishnu and piously follow all the rituals for worshiping Vishnu. Always with extreme patience and devotion think and meditate upon Lord Vishnu. In Gita, Lord Krishna says that he resides in every individual in a subtle state.

How can we remember Lord Krishna daily?

Originally Answered: How do I remember Krishna every day? You can remember Him when you're drinking water, because He says in the Bhagavad Gita that “ I am the taste of water”. You can also try to see Him situated in the bodies of all living entities as the Paramatma (Supersoul).

What word concept does Krishna reinforce?

Krishna emphasised on two terms : Karma and Dharma. He told Arjun that this was a righteous war; a war of Dharma. Dharma is the way of righteousness or a set of rules and laws laid down.