How can I call Santa Claus for free?

How can I call Santa Claus for free?

Just gather round those kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews, friends and neighbors to call Santa’s phone number 1-and turn the speaker on for all to hear.

What weird things can you ask Siri?

Funny things to ask Siri that will provoke uncontrollable fits of laughter

  • Are are you married?
  • Can you drive?
  • I’m drunk. Can you drive?
  • Do aliens exist?
  • Will I die alone?
  • Can you make me laugh?
  • Will you tell me a story?
  • What does Siri mean?

How do you make Siri creepy laugh?

Did you know that you can make Siri laugh? You don’t have to tell her a joke, you just need to use a special ‘nickname’ and then listen to Siri try to pronounce it. This guy did it, and the results are hilarious, and honestly, a little bit creepy. It’s seriously one of the funniest things you’ll see today.

Who is the real Siri voice?

Susan Bennett

Is Siri a beatbox?

The internet has recently discovered that Siri is capable of laying down a rudimentary beat. Ask Apple’s digital assistant to beatbox and it will spit a loop of “boots and cats,” a basic beatboxing mantra that Siri says it’s “been practicing.” The fact Siri can beatbox isn’t an entirely new discovery.

Why does Siri say 2020 is ending?

Siri says 2020 ends today because she follows the 24-hour format. So, when people ask her when does 2020 end or how long until 2020 ends, she sometimes mistakenly interprets this as how long until 8:20 PM.

Can you Google beatbox?

Can Google Translate make music? It turns out it can – it can beatbox! Next type the following into the translate box: pv zk pv pv zk pv zk kz zk pv pv pv zk pv zk zk pzk pzk pvzkpkzvpvzk kkkkkk bsch; When you click on the “Listen” button. Google translate will beatbox.

Who is better you or Siri or Alexa?

Siri understood 99.8 percent of questions and answered 83.1 percent correctly, while Alexa understood 99.9 percent and answered correctly 79.8 percent of the time. Siri was better at “commands,” like sending phone calls and text messages or setting reminders.

Who is smarter Siri or Alexa?

Google answered 88% of questions correctly, while Apple scored 75%, Alexa scored 72.5%, and Cortana came in with 63%. Google Assistant is still at the top, but now with a score of 92.9% for answering questions correctly. Siri correctly answers 83.1% of questions, while Alexa gets 79.8% correct.

Who is smarter Google or Alexa?

Results from the Loup Ventures 2019 Smart Speaker IQ Test appear to back this up. The test found that Google Assistant answered more questions correctly than Alexa—or even Apple’s Siri. Alexa understood 99% of the 800 questions, but only got 79.8% of them right.

Why is Siri so terrible?

The biggest problem with Siri today is that it doesn’t integrate with third-party services very well. There are a few categories it does work with, like messaging or ride-hailing, but for the most part it’s a closed-off ecosystem. This turns out to be Alexa’s greatest strength.