How can I become rich without working?

How can I become rich without working?

Most likely the obstacles to success are the things you have not allowed yourself to recognize. No successful entrepreneur has time for excuses, his own or anyone else's. There's simply too much to be done and not enough time. If you don't want it bad enough, it will show.

Is working hard worth it?

Yes, as far as I have experienced hard work is always worth it. You may not sometimes achieve what you really want to, but in the long run you will realize that the things you've learned during your journey are far more important than the victory or success itself.

Can you be happy without a job?

You can't just live happily without earning that happiness.. making friends, being there for people, helping others, and so much more.. I think you don't require a job or business or even work to be happy, in simple way you can live for the sake of helping people that leads to ultimate happiness.

Should I quit my job or not?

Don't quit your job right away, even if you hate it. It's better to strategically plan your departure so that you're leaving on your terms and not scrambling to find another position. Here's what to do if you hate your job.

What should I do if I am unemployed?

adjectivenot engaged in action; inert, lazy. abeyant. asleep. blah. disengaged.

What is the relationship between attitude and success?

Attitude and success go together. For example, it is difficult to be really successful with a negative attitude because our attitude is formed by our perception which emerges from personal beliefs.

Why do hard workers get taken advantage of?

Hard workers are often too good at being a team player. Unfortunately, once other team members begin to notice how kind and helpful the hard worker is, they might take advantage by asking for favors and dumping their work on the worker bee. Being the nice team player that he or she is, there will rarely be a complaint.

Can you live without money?

If you want to live the life of A, you can't live without money. If you want to live the life of B, you can't live without money. If you want to live the life of C, you can live without money. More the standard of living, more the money and vice versa, speaking economically !