How can I be untraceable in life?

How can I be untraceable in life?

To be ignored or forgotten in favor of something more important; to fall into obscurity or disappear from public view.

What height is below radar?

From 15,000 ft. it can detect aircraft and even vessels all of the way down to the surface of the ocean out to 200 miles. It is certainly possible to fly "under the radar." Military pilots practice a type of flying called nap-of-the-earth for exactly this purpose.

What does it mean to be off the radar?

off-the-radar. Adjective. (idiomatic) Unlikely to happen, or be important in the near future or tending to escape detection or attention.

How do you stay under the radar at work?

Dress the part and stay out of office gossip that might make others talk about you. Do the job you're paid to do and carry out the instructions of your superiors to the best of your ability. Avoid judging your colleagues or management. Show up to work on time and avoid missing deadlines.