How can a motor be made more powerful?

How can a motor be made more powerful?

We can increase the turning force (or torque) that the motor can create in three ways: either we can have a more powerful permanent magnet, or we can increase the electric current flowing through the wire, or we can make the coil so it has many "turns" (loops) of very thin wire instead of one "turn" of thick wire.

How do you make a copper battery spin?

Take several inches of copper wire and bend it so that one end touches the magnet, and one end touches the positive side of the battery. You can bend your copper wire into different shapes that will spin when placed on the battery.

Why does copper wire spin on a battery?

The copper wire will spin around. When the wire touches the top of the battery and the magnet, it is making a circuit, which allows electrons to flow – this is the current. This force, which is called a Lorentz Force, acts on the wire and causes it to move, which makes the wire spin around.

How do you make a simple electric motor?

What is a homopolar motor? A homopolar motor is a direct current (DC) electric motor which produces constant circular motion. Because the polarities of the magnetic fields do not change (hence the name homopolar), the direction of the force will not change and the wire will rotate in a constant circular motion.

How do you make motorized tiny dancers?

A magnetic field pulls and pushes electrons in certain objects closer to them, making them move. Metals like copper have electrons that are easily moved from their orbits. If you move a magnet quickly through a coil of copper wire, the electrons will move – this produces electricity.

What can a homopolar motor be used for?

Homopolar motors have been used in high-torque wind turbines. The mechanics of the motors provide a low-cost means of converting wind into electricity because of the reduced need for multidirectional gears. These motors also require less maintenance than bipolar motors.

How do you make a simple electromagnetic train?

Our copper wire is conducting electricity from one end of the battery to the other. As it moves through the magnets on the negative side of the battery, it creates a force which causes the wire to spin.

What are strong magnets?

Samarium cobalt is the other type of rare earth magnet; samarium cobalt (SmCo) magnets were developed before neodymium magnets and while not as strong as neodymium magnets they have a greater resistance to corrosion and can operate and maintain their performance at higher temperatures.