How big do your hands need to be to palm a basketball?

How big do your hands need to be to palm a basketball?

Hand Size to Palm a Basketball The general minimum hand size where you can comfortably palm a ball is a 7.5” hand length and 8 1/4” hand span. To measure your hand length, get a ruler or measuring tape and measure from the base of your palm to the tip of your middle finger.

What does it mean to palm a basketball?

Palming a basketball means that to grip the basketball firmly in a single hand. So, this technique demands the strength of the primary hand of the player especially the fingers strength. This article will help you out with the proper technique to palm a basketball and the drills required to strengthen the hand grip.

Can Steph Curry palm a basketball?

This means he is unable to palm a basketball. This was actually a concern about him in the draft despite being a top prospect. Fortunately, his hands have not been a hindrance. However, anyone who has watched Curry play can easily tell his hand size isn't all that impressive.

Can Kobe Bryant palm a basketball?

Kobe Bryant Bryant's hands have been measured to be roughly nine inches in length. At 6'6", this is somewhat average by NBA standards; they are certainly not impressive. Kobe can palm the ball but he can't "palm palm the ball" (in his own words) like Dr J or MJ.