How bad is snus for you?

How bad is snus for you?

Snus falls into the middle: safer than cigarettes but not as safe as nicotine gum. Snus products “still contain thousands of chemicals,” Steinberg says. “They still contain nicotine. They're addictive, and they affect the cardiovascular system and increase the risk of cancer.

Does snus get you high?

A snus user packs the tobacco into his or her upper lip to get a nicotine buzz on par with that of a cigarette. Unlike dip, you swallow the byproduct rather than spit it out. Some experts even argue that snus can help people quit smoking. But like any tobacco product, it isn't without its health risks.

Why is snus banned?

The snus sales ban has been in place since 1992. This prohibition was a response to aggressive attempts to introduce US-style smokeless tobacco 'Skoal Bandits' into Europe.

Is snus safer than dip?

According to tobacco researchers, a snus user is 90 percent less likely to get cancer than a smoker [source: Levy et al.]. Unlike dip and chew, which contain higher levels of TSNAs resulting from the fermentation of the tobacco, snus doesn't present a risk of oral or other head cancers [source: Gartner et al.].