How are lions treated in the circus?

How are lions treated in the circus?

Lions and tigers in circus are often forced to lie in the same place because the circus find too expensive to build an enclosure for each one of them: since lions and tigers are not use to coexist with others of their species who are not related to them, this often lead to fights.

What do you call a lion trainer?

lion-tamer in British English (ˈlaɪənteɪmə) a person who trains lions, esp for entertainment in a circus. trapeze artists and lion tamers.

What are tigers scared of?

4. Tigers are naturally afraid of fire … … but they're still forced to jump through rings of fire in circus shows! This means that they're more afraid of being punished by their trainers than they are of the flames.

Are Tigers still used in the circus?

Tigers are such a common staple in any big circus that most people do not realize that these big cats are highly endangered in the wild. In fact, there are currently more tigers in captivity in the U.S. than there are left in their native habitat.