Does wick watering work?

Does wick watering work?

Yes! Using a wick to water your plants is a simple way to make sure they have a steady supply of water. As the soil in the plant's container dries out, the wick draws water from the reservoir to hydrate the plant. When the soil is saturated enough, the wick stops pulling water.

What material is best for wicking water?

Cotton is a commonly recommended wicking material, but some warn that natural materials, like cotton, may rot or contract fungus easily. Wicking materials less likely to encounter this problem include nylon and acrylic.

Is it good to water plants from the bottom?

If your plant is becoming root bound, moisture might not soak into the soil and may run down the sides of the planter instead. Watering potted plants from the bottom eliminates these problems and adds moisture to the soil in a more efficient way.

How far will water travel up a wick?

Hi Chelle, Gary Donaldson, in AU, says that they have found that the maximum height you can wick water upwards is 300mm. More wicking materials in the soil, the better.