Does ship have a short i sound?

Does ship have a short i sound?

When you spin the wheel, words containing a short "i" sound appear, including pig, ship, lips, grin, sit, milk, king, kitten, ring, wink, gift, and pin. Circle 10 words that have a short i sound. The words are pig, pin, ring, fish, king, chin, lips, sit, lizard/iguana, mitten.

What words have a short o sound?

The words are: octagon, octopus, olive, ostrich, otter, ox, and "What else starts with o? Match 10 words that have the short O sound. The words are dog, pot, dolphin, mop, moth, sock, robin, frog, doll, log.

Does Lock have a short o sound?

The correct spelling is "lock." The word "lock" has a short "o" sound. It has a short "e" sound.

Does look have a short o sound?

Common Words with Short-oo Here are some of them: could, should, would, put, push, sugar, book, look, cookie, hook, took, good, wood, stood, foot. One fun way to practice the Short-oo sound is with the tongue twister “How Much Wood“.