Does Risa die in unwind?

Does Risa die in unwind?

During a clapper attack on Happy Jack Harvest Camp, Risa was left paralyzed from the waist down and unable to walk….Risa Ward.

Risa Ward
Biographical Information
Full name: Risa Megan Ward
Age: 17 (as of UnWholly)
Status: Alive

What happens when you are unwound?

Unwinding, also called harvesting or summary division, is the process of dissecting a human’s (mostly teenagers) body parts to be transplanted into different recipients.

Why does Connor run away alone?

Why does Connor run away alone? His parents signed an “Unwind” order. His girlfriend, Ariana, ditched him at the last minute. He couldn’t stand being around his parents anymore.

How do the police find Connor after he runs away?

How do the police find Connor after he runs away? They track his phone.

What does Connor Lassiter look like?

Physical description. Connor has brown eyes and hair usually tousled and messy. After the clapper incident at Happy Jack, Connor obtained scars on the right side of his face, an unwound eye, which matched his own, and an unwound right arm, particularly Roland’s with the tiger shark tattoo.

Where did Connor feel most comfortable?

Where did Connor feel most comfortable? The ledge of a freeway overpass. What is under the door trap in the antique shop? A hiding place for more unwinds.

Who Is Ariana in unwind?

Ariana is Connor Lassiter’s ex-girlfriend from Ohio.

How does Lev try to get money from the pawnbroker?

Lev and the pawnbroker argue back and forth for a long time over a price. Then, when they settle on a price, Lev makes the pawnbroker take him to the back where he keeps the safe. Once the safe is open Lev knocks the guy out and takes all the money in the safe, leaving the diamond bracelet inside.

What does Lev try to sell at the pawn shop?

A boy comes into a pawnshop wanting to sell a diamond bracelet.

What is EMBY’s nickname?


Biographical Information
Status: Alive
Alias: MB/Mouth Breather Emby
Gender: Male

Where are CyFi and Lev headed?

When they reach Indiana, CyFi starts talking differently, and he reveals that they’re going to Joplin, Missouri. They stop at a shop in Indiana, and Lev notices CyFi shoplifting.

What is wrong with CYFI?

Having an entire new lobe in his head causes Cyfi some problems. He began to experience feelings, impulses, and memories from the unwound donor. Cyfi would occasionally even change personas completely and begin acting like that donor (Tyler Walker).

Why do Connor and Risa continue to stay together?

22 – RISA (140 – 147) 1. Why do Connor and Risa continue to stay together? Because it’s better to at least have one person you know instead of bunches of people you don’t know.

What is compulsively CYFI?

At one point, CyFi began receiving some of the Unwind’s habits and his compulsive disorder (particularly of stealing shiny things) and this Unwind began overwhelming him with thoughts, feelings and urges, the Unwind apparently not fully realizing that he has been Unwound yet.

What does Lev from unwind look like?

He is described as angelic, with blond hair and blue eyes. Unlike Connor and Risa, Lev has a good relationship with his family. They are a very religious family and very loving towards each other.

What does CyFi do when he gets to Tyler’s parents house?

CyFi receive his “entire temporal lobe” (3.21. Lev helps CyFi, appalled when they arrive that Tyler’s parents feel like they’re the victims.

How does Lev feel about his parents?

Parents. Not much is known about the relationship between Lev and his parents, except it isn’t anything like Connor and his parents. Lev and his parents seem to maintain a good relationship, except during the end, when his parents disown him for being a clapper.

How do Connor and Risa end up with a baby?

After weeks of taking care of her, Hannah, the woman who helped Connor and Risa escape from a school surrounded with Juvies and a personal friend of Sonia, offered to take the baby from them and hence became the stork-mother of the child.

Who does Lev knock unconscious?

Connor rips Lev out of the car and uses him as a human shield. Lev frees himself by biting Connor’s arm, and Lev runs back to the car. Pastor Dan yells at Lev to run as fast and far as he can, but before Lev can actually do anything, he is struck by a tranquilizer dart and knocked unconscious.

What happened to lev at the end of unwind?

But before the procedure can began, Lev’s little band of chaotic clappers blows up the unwinding chamber…with Connor inside. He miraculously survives and ends up with the ID of a blown-up guard in the process. Pretending to be this older boy lets him escape Unwinding.