Does Nirnroot grow back in Skyrim?

Does Nirnroot grow back in Skyrim?

Nirnroot is a bright green plant normally found growing near water. They glow, making them easier to locate at night, and also emit a unique chiming sound. While in-game text claims that nirnroot does not regrow, it actually does regrow normally like other plants.

Do ingredients grow back in Skyrim?

Any items previously stored in the respawned container are permanently deleted from the game. New copies are generated for most items sitting out in the open (ingredients, books, clutter, etc.). Plants are reset, allowing new ingredients to be harvested. All activators will reset.

Does Archmage quarters reset?

Although the quarters themselves respawn every ten days (necessary for the alchemy garden to regrow), all the containers inside are safe for storage. The quarters are also locked until you speak to Tolfdir during the quest Good Intentions.

How old is Barenziah?

The Daggerfall Chronicles recorded Barenziah’s birth year as 2E 893. Biography of Queen Barenziah indicates she was five years old as of the time of the signing of the Armistice. A Brief History of the Empire asserts the Second Era ended in year 896.

What happens if you don’t kill the emperor Skyrim?

Nope. Killing the Emperor is integral to the DB storyline. If he was left alive, no one would fear the Dark Brotherhood… and therefore would have no power or influence in Skyrim.

How do you kill Amaund Motierre without getting a bounty?

Sneak to make sure you’re not in someone’s view before you do it. I killed him by keeping the room to his door open, sneaking near him until I was hidden, then casting Frenzy on him (with the quiet casting perk). He’ll either attack you or attack others in the inn, making him killable without a bounty.

Why do Guards say wait I know you?

Because you’ve got a bounty and they recognise you from reports, posters or somesuch presumed mechanism. If your bounty is below the auto-attack level, they still say the line, but they don’t try and arrest you unless you start the conversation. If not you’ll need to pay that bounty off through the Thieves Guild.

How much should I tell Nazir I get paid?

Walkthrough. Talk with Nazir about the hit on the Emperor, and he asks how much the final payment was. Your options are: reveal the full 20,000 gold, or two different lies where you say you were paid only 10,000 or 5,000 gold.