Does Kyoko Love Sayaka?

Does Kyoko Love Sayaka?

In particular, fans often read Kyoko’s behavior as having a crush or even obsession with Sayaka, a motive that can often be seen in HomuMado fan content. Moreover, Kyoko like Homura, looks at her potential partner in one of the official arts, a motive that often means crush and sexual desire.

What was Kyoko’s wish?

Kyoko accepted, and her wish was for people to listen to her father’s teachings. However, this wish led to her downfall when her father learned of her magical girl activities. Believing his daughter to be a witch who sold her soul to the devil, he drank his worries away with alcohol.

Is homura in love with Madoka?

In the end, Homura stole Madoka’s powers and became a demon, made possible due to her Soul Gem being corrupted not by despair but by “Love”.

How old is homura Akemi?

Homura Akemi
Series Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Age 14 (physically) 20 (mentally)
Birthday Unknown
Sex Female

Is homura Akemi evil?

That’s right, Homura is actually the cause of everyone else’s misfortune (sort of). I’d even go so far as to say that Homura is the antagonist of the series, not Kyubey. While neither of them are objectively “evil,” Homura actively works against the protagonist, Madoka, while Kyubey is little more than an observer.

Is Sayaka Miki a Yandere?

At number 8 was Sayaka Miki from Puella Magi Madoka Magica. Sayaka is not only my favourite Magical Girl, but also my favourite fictional character of all time and I am fairly sure that she is not a yandere. I raised this point and was even asked if I was being sarcastic.

Does homura join senku?

A year after the Stone Wars, she is shown to still be a prisoner along with Hyoga. The pair are forced to come with Senku and his team as extra muscle.

Does senku marry Ruri?

Senku immediately married Ruri, who blushed at his quick acceptance. She is shocked they divorced almost immediately afterward but her sister assures her its his way to discover her illness.

Why did senku marry Ruri?

Is Senku Married? Ruri was born to the village chief in Ishigami Village. She is Kohaku’s older sister and serves as the priestess in the Village. Senku married Ruri to cure her illness after winning the Village tournament.

Who is senku’s bestfriend?

Senku’s best friend, whom Senku refers to as a “big oaf” or “musclehead”. He has incredible strength and seemingly limitless stamina, but is a pacifist who’s never thrown a punch in his life.

Who is senku’s real dad?

Byakuya Ishigami

Does senku kill Tsukasa?

Tsukasa agreed to the idea and did not mind Senku killing him when he reminded Senku of when he killed him before. Soon when everyone was done creating the cryogenic freezer, Senku had one last conversation with Tsukasa and killed him.

Does senku love Dad?

Good feeling about doing certain things can stay with people because Senku loves ramen so much it somehow connects him with his father. Senku was actually blushing while looking at his father. That could mean he loved his real father at some point at least like child could love.

What is senku’s IQ?

What Is Senku’s I.Q.? Senku’s IQ is realistically assumed to be above 160 and somewhere around 180s. Taking his feats in Dr. Stone into account, Senku outsmarts most characters and might have the highest IQ in anime.

Is Dr Xeno senku’s dad?

Dr Xeno is Senku’s biological father and we will find out how Byakuya took Senku under his wing.

Is senku smarter than light?

Light YAGAMI would definitely be a bit slower than senku if he was in the stone world suddenly. but we really can’t judge. But it does appear that senku is smarter because it involves a lot of science. But if light wanted to study science he would with ease even though he has no interest in science.

Did Light Yagami kill his dad?

Light yagami never killed his dad. His dad got severely got injured during the combat b/w the police force and the mafia gang. Later on when mello destroyed the hideout in which Mr. Yagami got injured.

What was the IQ of Albert Einstein?

Albert Einstein is believed to have had the same IQ as Professor Stephen Hawking, 160.