Does Groupon send a confirmation email?

Does Groupon send a confirmation email?

We always send a confirmation email for successful bookings. Unfortunately there is no way to guarantee that an email has been received, and sometimes people misspell their email addresses.

How can I see what I bought on Groupon?

Navigate to the "My Groupons" section. Select "Deals" and select the drop-down button that says "All." Find your purchase and click on "View Details."

What does in transit mean?

If the tracking status of your shipment is “In Transit”, it means that your package is on its way to its final destination. It does not necessarily mean that your package is in a moving vehicle such as an aircraft of truck, it may be at a FedEx facility.

How do I cancel a Groupon order?

How do I cancel a Groupon order I placed? Click the "View Details" button next to the Groupon you want to return. (Remember, you can only return Groupons within the first three days of purchase, and they can't have been redeemed.) Then, click "Cancel Order."

Where do Groupon Goods ship from?

A. Groupon Goods sales are are domestic USA. If you ship to just one Shipwire facility, consider using Pennsylvania. If you want to split inventory to lower shipping costs to East and West coast buyers, consider sending goods to Los Angeles and Pennsylvania.

What is the number for Groupon?

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to your Groupon representative or our Merchant Support department at 1-866-956-1276 or [email protected].

How do I contact Groupon for a refund?

Let them know that any customer who requests a refund should be referred to Groupon customer support page at Our customer support reps will then apply the Groupon refund policy and work with the customer to resolve the situation.

How do I know if my Groupon has been redeemed?

Click “Redeem.” If you'd like to check the status of a barcode, click “Verfify” on the left side of the window. Verifying a Groupon only tells you if it's valid, and does NOT redeem it. Use this if a customer is making an appointment in advance, and then redeem the Groupon when the customer arrives.