Does British English use S or Z?

Does British English use S or Z?

Some words in British English use "s" where "z" is used in American English. However, usage of the "z" can also be occasionally seen in British English, in words such as "citizen".

Is ISE or ize English?

Usage. American spelling avoids -ise endings in words like organize, realize and recognize. British spelling mostly uses -ise (organise, realise, recognise), though -ize is sometimes used. The ratio between -ise and -ize stood at 3:2 in the British National Corpus up to 2002.

Do any English words end in i?

There are several pluralised forms of words ending in -us (a hangover from the latin origins)such as foci, loci, hippopotomi, etc. So, yes, there are English words ending with i.