Do you use an apostrophe after a single letter?

Do you use an apostrophe after a single letter?

Only use an apostrophe if there might be confusion, especially with single digit numbers and letters. However, that said, there are times when it helps to use an apostrophe to show a plural. For example: * There are two i's in skiing.

What does an apostrophe after a letter mean?

When you use an apostrophe before the 's' it is to show singular possession. That means one person owns an object or an idea or an emotion. “Jimmy's truck” or “the lady's thought” or “Mrs. Smith's happiness.”

When something belongs to someone where does the apostrophe go?

Rule 1: For singular nouns, indefinite pronouns (e.g. anybody, someone, nobody) and words already ending in s, place the apostrophe before the s when indicating ownership. Rule 2: For plural nouns ending in s, place the apostrophe after the s when indicating ownership.