Do you tip Safelite repair guy?

Do you tip Safelite repair guy?

always tip for exceptional service, no matter what the service is. Don't agree at all. If the guy got minimum wage and depended on tips then different story. He gets paid to put your windshield in.

How long does it take for Safelite to replace windshield?

How long will my auto glass repair or replacement take? In many cases, windshield repairs can be performed in 30 minutes or less. Windshield replacements will often take 60 minutes or less; however, we recommend that you do not drive the vehicle for at least one hour after service is completed.

Why do they put blue tape on new windshields?

The purpose of the tape is to prevent movement of the glass and trim while the urethane adhesive sets, The eurthane will completely cure in matter of hours but will again have to be cut out if not done correctly the first time. Basically, to protect our butts, we just use that tape to help hold the windshield in place.

Can your windshield get wet after being replaced?

Rain can actually be helpful in the windshield replacement process. The gentle pressure put forth by rain helps with the adhesive, enabling the windshield to stick quicker. In summary, it is best to wait at least 24 hours before heavily washing your vehicle.

What can you not do after windshield replacement?

The adhesive needs time to completely dry, which will depend on the temperature and humidity around it. Most will only take an hour at most to completely dry, but some take up to 24 hours.

What if it rains after windshield replacement?

Rain or water isn't an issue on newly replaced auto glass, so don't fret if there's forecast calls for a bit of downpour. In fact, a bit of moisture can actually help the adhesive cure faster.

What happens to inspection sticker when windshield replaced?

If the same rules still apply, the company that replaces windshield will cut out old sticker (still on glass). You can use that temporarily (if stopped by cops), until you have time to replace it. I remember taking old sticker to inspection station and they put a new sticker on after I paid a fee.

Do you tip a Safelite Tech?

always tip for exceptional service, no matter what the service is.

Should a new windshield make noise?

More than likely, what you are hearing is the sound of wind getting into the cracks and crevices where your windshield was incorrectly installed. This noise can range from being barely noticeable to very distinct, depending on how poorly the installation job was done.

What is tape for on new windshield?

Car glass technicians often use a retention tape to hold the windshield moldings in place and guarantee that the seal is protected from the elements while it's in the process of drying. It may not look great, but it's best to leave this tape in place for the first day or two after the new glass has been installed.