Do you really need a bathtub?

Do you really need a bathtub?

Homeowners do have valid re-sale value concerns if all tubs are removed. If you have multiple bathrooms, keep a tub in one of them. If you have toddlers, small children or dogs to bathe a tub is necessary. If soaking in a tub is your surefire way to relax, a tub is a must.

What happens if you never shower?

Skipping your shower could lead to an excess of dead skin cell buildup, says Amy Wechsler, a New York City dermatologist. Hyperkeratosis, which is the thickening of the outer layer of the skin, would undoubtedly occur. Rashes and itchy irritation will occur.

How can I use Epsom salt without a bath?

In the shower. You can still use bath salts and enjoy some of the benefits they provide even if you don't have a bathtub. To do this, you simply create a shower scrub: Use 1 cup of sea salt or Epsom salt, 1/3 cup of almond oil, olive oil, or coconut oil, and 1 tablespoon of vitamin E oil.

How do I make my shower feel like a spa?

Try doing something to distract yourself while showering. Turn on some music before you get in the shower and listen to two songs while you wash up. This will be enough time, and you can sing along, etc. to make the shower more fun. Are there actually people out there who are scared to take a shower?

Why is showering relaxing?

When you get out of the shower into a warm house, the temperature change is comforting and your body begins to relax, allowing you to sleep better. On the other hand, warm showers relax muscles in your body and relieve tension, allowing you to sleep better also.