Do you produce more milk with twins?

Do you produce more milk with twins?

The more you breastfeed, the more milk you make. It has nothing to do with the number of babies breastfeeding or breast size. Women can produce enough milk for twins, triplets, and more without ever needing to supplement with artificial infant milk. This is not the same as joining a mothers of twins group.

Can twins drink from the same bottle?

As a twin I can confidently say they will share everything their whole lives- especially germs! Just FYI (for your information) though you don't have to finish the bottle of breastmilk within an hour. That only applies to formula. With BM you could just put it back in the fridge, and reheat/offer one more time.

Do you need 2 cots for twins?

Yes. It's safe for twins to sleep together in one cot in the early weeks and months. You do need to use a cot, though. It's not safe to put your twins together in a Moses basket, small crib or carrycot, as they may overheat in the confined space.

How should twins sleep together?

You can put your twins to sleep in a single cot while they're small enough. This is called co-bedding and is perfectly safe. In fact, putting twins in the same cot can help them regulate their body temperatures and sleep cycles, and can soothe them and their twin.

Is it better for twins to sleep together?

1 Multiples who are co-bedded seem to sleep better, gain weight better, have fewer episodes of apnea and bradycardia, and (as long as they're about the same size), keep each other warm.

What to do when both twins are crying?

How many bottles do you need for twins? You'll want 8-16 bottles so that you can make it through at least half the day (if not the whole day) without having to wash bottles. Bottles come in various sizes like 4 oz, 8o z, 9 oz, 11 oz, etc. If you want to save money, buy a larger size.

Do twins feed at the same time?

It takes some practice, but it can be very manageable to feed two babies at the same time. Whether you use formula or pumped breastmilk in the bottles, your tactics for feeding twins may vary depending on their age and size.

Can twins sleep in the same bed?

For twins, having each other close by is comforting, since they've been together since the get-go. So go ahead and let them sleep in the same crib. It's totally safe, especially in the first few weeks, when they're tightly swaddled and hardly move around.

When did your twins start sleeping through the night?

Some twins will start sleeping through the night as early as 8-10 weeks. Typically you can start seeing longer sleep stretches around 12 weeks. Many twins wait until 4-6 months. The bottom line is that every twin is different.

How do you feed Twins at night?

A little bit of preparation and planning will pay off in extra snatches of sleep. If bottle-feeding, prepare bottles and formula in advance so that they're ready to go when babies wake to feed in the night. Keep diapers and supplies nearby so that you can change babies and get them back to bed faster.