Do you pay to subscribe on YouTube?

Do you pay to subscribe on YouTube?

Even if you subscribe to the Free channel, you do not pay. As for the paid channels, you will pay if you want to subscribe. Once you have made up your mind to subscribe on the paid channel, you go ahead. As with any online purchase, you have not paid till the Internet transaction is completed.

Why do YouTubers want you to subscribe?

If YouTubers ask for subscribe it means , the particular number of subscriber(viewer) see the new uploaded videos definitely. It just a way to maintain or create a particular number of audience and it will help your channel and YouTuber can easlity earn by this.

Do you have to pay money to subscribe on YouTube?

How do Youtubers get paid?

Google pays out 68% of their AdSense revenue, so for every $100 an advertiser pays, Google pays $68 to the publisher. The actual rates an advertiser pays varies, usually between $0.10 to $0.30 per view, but averages out at $0.18 per view. On Average the YouTube channel can receive $18 per 1,000 ad views.

When you subscribe to someone on YouTube do they know?

They get the username that subscribed via email. However the owner will not know who subscribed if they turned off this option. Also, they will not know if your channel is private. Again at “account settings” you can make your account private so that no one can know who you subscribed to.

Does subscribe mean you have to pay?

How do I subscribe on YouTube without an account?

YouTube channels can offer $4.99-a-month “channel memberships” that users can buy to access exclusive content.

What is a paid subscription on YouTube?

With channel memberships, viewers pay a monthly subscription fee of $4.99 for access to things like unique badges, custom emoji, members-only posts and access to other custom perks offered by creators, like exclusive live streams, extra videos or shout-outs.

Does it cost to watch YouTube?

Google will continue to keep YouTube just the way it is. Without a subscription to Red, you can still watch all of the videos and channels you like on the site, free of charge, but with ads. You will miss out on the extra features Red offers, but nothing will change about how you use YouTube right now.