Do you need to be on T to get top surgery?

Do you need to be on T to get top surgery?

No, WPATH Standards of Care do not require hormone therapy to be eligible for Top Surgery. One benefit of being on T prior to surgery is that it can help you develop larger chest muscles, giving your Surgeon more of a contour to work with, which can improve surgery results.

How long do you have to wear a binder after top surgery?

A compressive bandage or binder will be worn for about three weeks following your treatment to help the area heal. Your doctor will remove the first bandages at your first post-operative checkup and will remove the drains within 1 week if you have any.

Can you reverse top surgery?

Top surgery is permanent and cannot be reversed. Your chest will never look the same as it did before surgery.

How painful is top surgery?

You may feel some pain for the first couple of days—especially when you move around or cough—and some discomfort for a week or more. You may experience random, shooting pains for a few months after your surgery. You can expect some loss of feeling in your nipples and chest wall skin.

How long do you have to be on T before top surgery?

Many Top Surgery surgeons require patients to stop testosterone 1-2 weeks before Top Surgery, and some surgeons also require that the next scheduled dose be delayed by an additional week or two after Top Surgery.

Can you get top surgery 14?

Generally speaking surgery options are only really done after you stop growing. Second blockers/hrt or waiting, 14 is early in puberty and if you have surgery now there's a chance you may need a revision later on. This. I know of multiple people who had top surgery in the US at 14, but they were all on blockers or T.

How dangerous is top surgery?

The possible risks of transmasculine top surgery include, but are not limited to, bleeding, infection, poor healing of incisions, hematoma, loss of nipple sensation, loss of the nipple and areola, and anesthesia risks.

What should I wear after top surgery?

Yes, after surgery you will wear a compression vest. This vest is placed on your body in the operating room after surgery. This is very important to wear the vest at all times to prevent post-operative bleeding and fluid collections.

Do you lose feeling in your nipples after top surgery?

While it's uncommon to lose all sensation after Top Surgery, some trans men who have had DI Top Surgery report total loss of erogenous sensation. Patients who are at higher risk of nipple graft failure and thus loss of sensation are smokers and those diagnosed with diabetes or an autoimmune disease.

What happens if you wear a binder too long?

Wearing binders that are too tight can cause underlying tissue and muscle damage, prevent free movement, and even restrict a person's ability to breathe. There haven't been many studies about the health effects of binding, so it's important to listen to experiences of others, and to talk to your healthcare provider.

How long after top surgery can I workout?

Once a full three weeks have passed, you may gradually begin resuming light cardio, as long as the arms aren't used too much. In most cases, you should be able to resume your normal exercise routine, including weight bearing exercises within 5-6 weeks of surgery.