Do you need a coop for guinea fowl?

Do you need a coop for guinea fowl?

As mentioned earlier, guineas are not very domesticated birds. They don't actually require a coop. They will roost in the trees. However, if you want them to come home and roost then they'll need a coop.

Do guinea fowl make good pets?

But beyond their looks these birds have a lot going for them, and with their unique personalities and skill sets they make excellent pets, and are a useful addition to any farm. Guinea fowl are hardy and low maintenance, and are adept at foraging for their food.

How do you keep guinea fowl on your property?

To keep your guineas safe, you'll want to have a spacious coop, or even a separate coop to get your guinea fowl used to indoor living. They'll need to stay cooped up for as long as two weeks before they call it home, but after that you can rest easy knowing all of your birds are safe.

What age can Guineas free range?

You may want to wait until your keets are closer to 6-8 weeks old. I recommend against keeping them cooped up for 10 or 12 weeks or longer, just because guineas are very athletic birds and they need exercise.

Can Guineas live with chickens?

Although guinea fowl are not fully domesticated and can be a bit more aggressive than chickens it has been observed that if they are integrated together at a young age, then in general there isn't much conflict between chickens and guinea fowl.

Are Guineas easy to keep?

There's no denying that guinea fowl are relatively easy to keep, providing you have plenty of space and no near neighbours. They are independent birds, self-sufficient foragers who will find much of their own food. Throughout the spring and summer they are productive layers – if you can find their eggs.

Will guinea fowl kill snakes?

There is plenty of evidence to suggest that they will surround, harass, deter, and even kill small snakes, but it's unlikely that they will eat the snake. Guinea fowl are great snake deterrent and do a great job of keeping the snake away, and the at the very least they will warn you that snakes are around.

What do guinea hens eat?

They consume a variety of insects and arachnids (mosquitoes, ticks, beetles, and so on), weed seeds, slugs, worms, and caterpillars. Guineas need to consume some greens in order to maintain good digestion, and so they eat grass, dandelions, weeds, and other vegetation.

How long do guinea hens live?

The average lifespan of a guinea fowl is approximately 10 to 15 years. Guinea fowl can mate with other species of fowl and produce hybrid offspring. The hybrid of a guinea fowl and a chicken is called a “guin-hen.” The hybrid of a guinea fowl and a peafowl is called a “pea-guinea.”

Can guinea fowl survive winter?

Guineas can survive longer without food than they can without water. Even ice cold water actually helps to maintain the body temperature in our guinea fowl during winter. Although the common helmeted guinea fowl originate from Africa, they are pretty tough birds and do not require a heated coop.

Are Guineas good to eat?

Yes! Just like other poultry like chickens, ducks, and quail, guinea fowl are completely edible. Before you start eating guinea lets talk about some of the characteristics that make them different than chickens. Guineas are a wild bird that we have domesticated- somewhat.

How fast do Guineas grow?

Guinea fowl keets grow especially quickly over the first two weeks and it might be tempting to let them out of the brooder sooner than it is recommended.

How much space do Guineas need?

Your guinea fowl house should be cozy but large enough to accommodate your flock. To determine the appropriate size to make the house, figure on 3 to 4 square feet for each bird you want to keep. If you'll be keeping 12 guinea fowl, their house will need a floor plan of between 36 square feet and 48 square feet.

How big do Guineas get?

These large birds measure from 40–71 cm (16–28 inches) in length, and weigh 700–1600 grams or 1.5-3.5 pounds. Guinea hens weigh more than guinea cocks, possibly because of the larger reproductive organs in the female compared to the male guinea fowl.

Are Guineas good for snakes?

A flock of guineas will disrupt the snake's habitat and deter them from coming around. Snakes like it calm and quiet. Guineas are neither. Guineas will notice a snake, but more often than not the flock, especially if it's a young flock, will just surround the snake and “discuss” it, inspect it, but not eat it.

Do guinea hens eat ticks?

4. Pest Control. Working as a team, guineas will eat any pest they can get their beaks on, but unlike chickens, do so without tearing and scratching up your garden. Since they free-range, they will hunt ticks (or beetles, fleas, grasshoppers, crickets, snakes) all over your property.

Do guinea hens lay eggs you can eat?

Yes! Guineas are not usually raised commercially for eggs because they do not lay as many or as often as chickens do, but their eggs are totally edible and can be used much like chicken eggs. Guinea eggs are a bit smaller than chicken eggs- roughly 2 guinea eggs to equal one large egg.