Do the Sims speak a real language?

Do the Sims speak a real language?

Simlish is the (official) fictional language of The Sims Nation. It was first used in SimCopter and featured in the various games of the franchise and the spinoffs of the series.

How do you say hello in Simlish?

To learn to speak Simlish, play the Sims and pay attention to the sounds so you can learn basic words like "Sul sul," meaning "Hello!" and "Badeesh," which means "Thanks" If you want to expand your vocabulary, find and download some popular songs that have been translated to Simlish.

Can simlish be translated?

Simlish is real, and the new Sims Alexa app will translate it for you. The Sims have been speaking in the delightful gibberish of Simlish from the start, but as with all fictional languages in things with rabid fan communities, that gibberish was eventually deciphered into a proper language.

Why do Sims speak Simlish?

Simlish was created because Will Wright, creator of The Sims, knew that the game needed dialogue, but thought that using real life languages such as English would cause the dialogue to be repetitive and would be expensive translating the entire dialog Sims may say.