Do the dogs die in Where the Red Fern Grows 2?

Do the dogs die in Where the Red Fern Grows 2?

The dog dies, and Billy is crushed. He buries Old Dan on a high hill overlooking the valley. In a few days, it is clear that Little Ann has lost her will to live.

How did dogs die in Where the Red Fern Grows?

The Pritchards’ dog Old Blue joins the fight, provoking Old Dan and Little Ann to attack Old Blue to drag him away from Billy. Rubin tries to drive Billy’s dogs away with an axe, but trips, falls on the blade, and dies.

What happened to Little Ann?

Little Ann only has her shoulder wound, but Old Dan is hurt all over. She dies too, and he buries her next to Old Dan. Billy is heartbroken; he says that God is not fair. Billy’s papa tries to tell him that it is all for the best, because with the money Billy has earned, the family hopes to move to town.

Why did Billy and his papa build a large fire?

Why did Billy and his papa build a large fire? The hounds caught____ coons during the elimination round. Billy and his dogs would be competing between____ other teams in the final round of the competition.

Which dog did Billy think was smarter?

Little Ann

What did Billy do when he couldn’t save little Ann?

What did Billy do when he couldn’t save Little Ann? He prayed for a miracle.

Why does Billy not want to kill the ghost raccoon?

Why doesn’t Billy want to kill the ghost coon? He has too much respect for him.

Who went to the champion coon hunt with Billy?

Summary. One day, Grandfather sends for Billy. He tells him that he has entered Old Dan and Little Ann in a coon-hunting championship.

Why did Billy enter Little Ann instead of old Dan in the beauty contest?

When he gets back to their tent, his grandpa tells him the hunt is holding a best-looking hound contest in the morning. Billy decides to enter Little Ann, because Old Dan has too many scars from tangling with coons.

Why did the hunters make fun of Billy’s hounds?

After his first raccoon, Billy goes a bit “coon crazy” (10.1). He’s out hunting every night, and catches coon after coon after coon. Even though Billy brings in more furs than anyone else, the other hunters tease Billy about his small dogs. Because they’re so mature and all.

How did Billy convince his father to continue with the hunt during the storm?

How did Billy convince his father to continue with the hunt during the storm? He told his father that his dogs would rather die than tree a coon.

Why does Billy Bury Old Dan on the hillside?

Billy buries Old Dan on the top of the hillside because it is a beautiful place where the wild mountain flowers grow. Billy had loved his dog beyond measure, and burying Old Dan at the most beautiful place he can think of affords him a bit of solace at his loss.

What did Billy decide to do about the treed coon?

On the first night, his dogs tree a coon in the biggest tree imaginable. Billy has always admired the “big tree” of the bottoms; it is gigantic, so he decides he won’t be able to cut it down. He becomes determined to cut it down, because he told his dogs that if they could tree a coon he would take care of the rest.

Who kept getting into trouble during the coon hunt?

Billy goes coon hunting almost every night. His father relieves him of his chores, and Billy gives him the money from his coonskins. Sometimes, coons try to trick his dogs, and Old Dan gets into trouble. One night, Dan gets stuck in a muskrat hole.

What did Billy keep catching in his traps?

He returns every now and then, but he is never the same. Billy begins to learn to trap away from the family’s animals. He goes behind the fields and starts to trap opossums, skunks, rabbits, and squirrels. The only animal he cannot catch is the ringtail coon.

What surprised the judge at the end of Chapter 16?

The judge is in awe over Little Ann licking Old Dan’s cut on his ears. Billy is not surprised at all; he says they always do that, and when she is finished, he will lick her cuts. The dogs finish cleaning each other and then walk away into the darkness.

What do Billy’s parents think about him going hunting?

How did Billy’s parents feel about his hunting? His mother was worried but felt she could not stop him because of all he had done to get the dogs. His father thought it was fine because he was getting to be a man.

Why did Billy refuse Papa’s offer to help cut down the tree?

Analysis: Billy’s determination in cutting down the tree rivals that of his dogs as they chase the coon. His refusal to let his father help him shows how much he wants the first coon to be a product of teamwork between just him and his dogs.

How did Billy feel when the other coon hunters teased him?

How did Billy feel when the other coon hunters teased him? He was angry. Describe Old Dan’s predicament in the muskrat den and the hollow tree. Old Dan got caught inside a muskrat den, and if he climbed out on the limb he would have to jump and then he might get injured.

What bargain does Billy make with little Ann and Old Dan when they are finally ready to go coon hunting?

Billy accepts the reasonable deal. He doesn’t know this plan will be useful the very first night he hunts. The family sees Billy off as he, Old Dan, and Little Ann go into the woods to hunt ringtail raccoon for the first time. Billy is confident they will bring back a coon to hang on the side of the smokehouse.