Do swordtail fish lay eggs?
Do swordtail fish lay eggs?
Swordtails (Xiphophorus helleri) are colorful liverbearers that are easy to keep in an aquarium. Just as the name livebearers decribes, these fish bear their young alive and do not lay eggs. Swordtails can be kept in a community tank as they are generally peaceful fish.
Where do swordfish lay their eggs?
Swordfish have been observed spawning in the Atlantic ocean at 75 m deep. Another well-known spawning site is the Mediterranean where males have been observed chasing females between July-August off the coast of Italy. Females carry between 1-29 million eggs, which are fertilized externally.
Do swordfish lay eggs on land?
Sword fish tend to swim in water depths of up to 2,100 feet, much deeper than other billfish such as Marlin. Swordfish reproduce by laying eggs, that is to say that they are oviparous. Female swordfish can lay anywhere between 1,000,000 and eggs at one time and fertilization is internal.
Do swordtail fish eat their babies?
Like all the other livebearers, swordtails do not have maternal instincts and will, therefore, consume their young ones soon after birth. Another reason why the mother swordtails eat their young ones is hunger. If you provide them with the right food, they may not touch the babies.
How fast do baby swordtails grow?
Fry will take around six months to reach its full size, which are 1.5 inches for the females and 2 inches for the males. Improper aquarium tank conditions will not allow the attainment of that size. For your swordtails to grow faster, maintain the right water conditions.
What is the lifespan of a swordtail?
5 years
Why is my swordtail staying at the bottom of the tank?
There could be many reasons why swordtail may lie on the bottom of the aquarium: your fish may be pregnant, stressed or affected by ammonia poisoning, poor water quality or have diseases and parasites. In reality, your fish lying on the bottom of the aquarium is a red flag that something is not right.
How do Swordtails sleep?
When sleeping, their bodies are usually idle but you will always see flicks of the fin because that enables them to remain stable in water. Most people claim that their swordtails drop down to the base of the tank or hide in the plants to sleep.
How many babies do Swordtails have?
How many fry can you expect from a swordtail? Like other livebearers, a swordtail can deliver 5-80 babies at a time but the average number is 30-35. They get pregnant immediately after giving birth and they will give birth after one month.
Will two male swordtails fight?
With more males in the tank, chances are that they will ever be fighting against each other. Same happens to female swordtails. During this time, scrambling occurs hence, the stronger male will dominate and develop aggressive behavior towards another male.
Can Swordtails live with neon tetras?
Can I put glofish tetras, swordtails and neon tetras in one tank? Yes that sounds perfect! I would do a ratio of 1 male to 2 females for the swordtails, as the males will harass the females a bit… Tetras are low pH “soft” water fish that are not built to cope with “hard” mineralization.