Do rabbits go into a trance?

Do rabbits go into a trance?

Rabbits go into a trance thanks to something called tonic immobility. While it may appear that the bunny is unconscious, the truth is that the rabbit is actually in a state of increased stress. By turning the rabbit on its back and resting its chin against its body, the bunny goes into an automatic response.

What is Bunny Trancing?

Trancing rabbits is the action of placing rabbits on their back to induce a paralysis known as tonic immobility, apparent death, or dorsal recumbancy. The action is also known as the immobility response, hypnosis, or the freeze response.

Is it bad to put a bunny on its back?

Rabbits can easily be injured if they aren't handled carefully, but laying a rabbit on his back doesn't instantly paralyze him. A rabbit can be put into a trance-like state of paralysis, however, by placing him on his back and flexing his neck.

How do you get your bunny to lay down with you?

If your rabbit approaches you, or lays down next to you, slowly reach out your hand and gently pet your bunnies head. If he/she does not move away continue to pet his/her head and the back of the ears. If your bunny moves to get up, take your hand away. Respect your bunny and don't force them to sit and be cuddled.