
Do cichlids need a bubbler?

Do cichlids need a bubbler?

No, plants don’t need an air bubbler either. Air pumps are a cheap way to power a filter, like a sponge or undergravel filter, and they’re good for creating circulation.

Do African cichlids prefer sand or gravel?

Tank Size: Cichlids grow to a large size, so the bigger the tank the better. Substrate: The bottom of the environment should be sand. Some Cichlid species will ingest a small amount to aid in digestion, while others use the sand bed to build their nest. Larger Cichlids like Oscars are fine with gravel.

Can you mix cichlids with other fish?

What other fish can live with African cichlids? Although most Cichlids would be considered aggressive fish, most Cichlids can live with most loaches, catfish, shark species, plecos, and larger tetra species.

Can you put live plants in a cichlid tank?

The fast-growing plants of the genus Vallisneria can be used in a cichlid tank as well. Vallisneria are typical background plants, which are planted into the substrate. Their leaves are robust, but not as hard as e.g. those of Anubias. They have found another way to compensate for predation: quick growth.

Do cichlids like fake plants?

cichlids will uproot fake ones too. yes but uprooting fake ones wont damage or kill them as opposed to real ones.

Do cichlids like moss balls?

Cichlids will eat moss balls and you will be left with a burnt out filter and a mess to clean up.

Do cichlids like planted tanks?

When an aquarium hobbyist thinks of a planted aquarium they often think of a tank with tetras or livebearers. Cichlids are often overlooked as a plant safe fish because of their overall reputation of rearranging the tank. Their are many cichlids that are plant safe, and thrive in planted aquariums.

Can I put driftwood in my cichlid tank?

You could use Driftwood but the thing you need to be concerned about is tannins. Woods tend to release tannins into the water.

Do Peacock cichlids eat plants?

Peacock cichlids sport vigorous appetites for live plants, further limiting plant options. However, a few aquarium plants can thrive with these cichlids.

Do Ram cichlids eat plants?

Bottomline…these guys have a huge appetite (up to 5 or 6 inches) and will devour plants if there is no algae to eat. Fish will also learn bad habits from other fish.

Are Rams fin nippers?

what tank size are you keeping the ram in? They are not fin nippers but they are as mentioned above territorial animals and they might injure the fins of other fish claiming and protecting their territory.

Do electric blue rams need to be in pairs?

Society. Except during spawning season, blue rams are a peaceful species of fish. They should be kept in pairs – with the base 30 gallons to start and 10 more gallons per pair after that – and should be kept in a peaceful fish tank with other non-aggressive fish.

Are balloon Rams aggressive?

The Electric Blue Balloon Ram is prized for its winning personality despite its fierce appearance. Though the Ram is very peaceful, both females and males can become aggressive towards other fish when hiding places are lacking or when tending to their eggs. Impeccable water quality is also a must.