Do chain messages carry viruses?

Do chain messages carry viruses?

If pyramid scheme chain letters are sent through email it may constitute wire fraud. An email chain letter may contain trojans or another type of computer virus which is covered under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) [18 U.S.C. Section 1030].

Why are chain messages dangerous?

Many chain letters urge you to take some action online that makes you the target of a scam, and forwarding the messages to your friends puts them at risk as well. By forwarding chain email, you may help spammers collect new email addresses to target people and sell a variety of products and services to them.

Do chain letters work?

The US Postal Service has explained that chain letters are illegal when they use the US mail to request or transmit "things of value." (They also have information about a lot of other nastiness going on in and through the mail under their Inspection Service menu.)

Do chain mails actually work?

As there is no real product or service being exchanged, chain letters that involve money or other items of value are nothing more than a form of gambling. Chain letters also are illegal. If you start a chain letter, or even participate in one sent to you, you could be breaking the law.

How do you start a money chain letter?

A chain letter is the most basic form of pyramid scheme. You receive a letter (or e-mail) containing a list of names. You're asked to send a dollar to the name at the top of the list. Then you're supposed to cross that name off, add your own name to the bottom of the list and send the letter to 10 friends.

What is a chain mail text?

Chain letters are messages sent to a huge number of people, asking each recipient to forward them to as many other people as they can. So, nowadays, a chain letter may take the form of an e-mail, an instant message, a posting on a friend's social network profile or a text message.

An email chain letter may contain trojans or another type of computer virus which is covered under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) [18 U.S.C. Section 1030]. This law makes it illegal to distribute computer codes or place them in the stream of commerce if their intent is to cause damage or economic loss.

How do you stop someone from sending you forwards?

It lets you send an anonymous, yet polite message to someone telling them to stop sending mass forwarded e-mails to friends, family members, and co-workers. All you need to do this is their name and e-mail address and it will send the note on.

What is a chain text?

Why can’t I leave a group text?

Unfortunately, Android phones don't allow you to leave a group text in the same way that iPhones do. However, you can still mute notifications from specific group chats, even if you can't remove yourself from them entirely. This will stop any notifications, but still allow you to use the group text.

Why can’t I leave a group chat on iMessage?

In the "Details" section, you can quit the thread by choosing "Leave this Conversation" in red. If that option is grayed-out (as seen above), it means someone in the group text does not have iMessage on or is running an older version of iOS. If that's the case, you won't be able to leave the conversation.

Are chain letters legal?

In the United States, chain letters that request money or other items of value and promise a substantial return to the participants (such as the infamous Make Money Fast scheme) are illegal.