Do best friends kiss each other?

Do best friends kiss each other?

If you and your best friend are truly friends in deed, then there is nothing wrong in kiss. Best friends can kiss each other, let it be a male or a female…… Friendship is a golden rope that ties two person during any problem and kiss acts as a enhancer in that case. Don't think of the society out over there….

Can a guy and a girl be best friends without falling in love?

The Answer is: Possibly Not. Why? Because it will ruin their friendship. Eventually, either the boy will develop feelings for the girl or the girl will develop feelings for the boy, but they won't express it because they don't want to spoil the relationship between them.

Can girl and boy be friends?

Dave Matthews answers this question on point: “A guy and a girl can be just friends, but at one point or another, they will fall for each other. Maybe temporarily, maybe at the wrong time, maybe too late, or maybe forever.” The short answer is yes, you can be just friends, but don't expect smooth sailing.

Is bestie and best friend the same?

Your best friend is that person – you know who they are and they know who they are. A bestie can be a close friend, a regular friend, one of your betches, and the term can even be used as an endearing comment toward someone you like a lot but aren't even that close with.