Can you wash clothes on Christmas Day?

Can you wash clothes on Christmas Day?

No laundry. The universal rule seems to be that laundry shouldn't be done on January 1, but some traditions go further and say that it shouldn't be done during the entire period between Christmas and New Year's Day. Myth has it that washing your clothing on these days can actually lead to 'washing a loved one away'.

What date do you put up your Christmas tree?

Tradition dictates that Christmas trees should be put up at the beginning of Advent – the fourth Sunday before Christmas. Others opt to put their decorations up 12 days before Christmas, or even on Christmas Eve.

Where should I put the Christmas tree?

Is it unlucky to put your Christmas tree up in November?

Traditionally the tree and decorations were not put up until Christmas Eve – and in the past having the tree up earlier or later than these dates was considered bad luck. These days however the date varies – with some people putting theirs up in November, and others opting for the first or second week of December.

When should Xmas decorations be taken down?

Depending on what you're celebrating it's either January 5 or January 6 – and the last day you should keep festive decorations up. A day sooner or later is considered unlucky and if decorations are not removed on Twelfth Night then according to tradition they should stay up all year.