Can you use normal paper in a typewriter?

Can you use normal paper in a typewriter?

Since the quick punch of the type hammer alone needs to get the letters on the paper, good typewriter paper is typically very absorbent. Uncoated paper, or laser copy paper, will usually work fine with any typewriter. Don't use special inkjet printer paper.

Can you erase on a typewriter?

Even if you do nothing but type words in the simplest text editor, computers are just infinitely better than typewriters. On a real typewriter, backspace simply moves the carriage back one space, allowing you to overtype a previously typed character. Erasing requires Tipp-Ex or suchlike.

Can you still buy ribbons for typewriters?

The answer is "Yes!". We're very fortunate that typewriter ribbons continue to be manufactured and sold. One can buy ribbons for most typewriters, everything from the Selectric I typewriter to vintage manual typewriters of all kinds.

How do you correct mistakes on a typewriter?

Most typewriters use a universal ink ribbon while some of the Smith Corona typewriters from the 70s and 80s use a cartridge. Ink can dry out on ribbons. It does take a while, but it happens.

Can you still buy a new typewriter?

Typewriters have made a comeback within the past few years. People still enjoy using them and collecting them, and some even enjoy cleaning and repairing them to keep them typing (like us!)