Can you substitute vanilla extract for vanilla sugar?

Can you substitute vanilla extract for vanilla sugar?

In most recipes, you can freely substitute vanilla extract and vanilla sugar. Using Vanilla Extract Instead of Vanilla Sugar: One teaspoon of vanilla extract is the equivalent of 1 1/2 teaspoons of homemade vanilla sugar, or 1 teaspoon of commercially made vanilla sugar.

What is vanilla sugar made of?

Vanilla sugar is made of sugar and vanilla beans or sugar mixed with vanilla extract.

Is vanilla extract better than sugar?

It's not uncommon to find vanilla extracts that contain a little sugar or corn syrup, and this is perfectly legal because neither contributes to that vanilla taste. The older the extract is, the better. It's less bitter, even without the help of those sweeteners.

How do you use vanilla sugar?

Very often, vanilla sugar is used as a flavored sweetener in the baked good's batter or dough, but it can also be used as a final touch sprinkled on the tops of those fresh out of the oven cakes, pies, and of course, cookies. Vanilla sugar is also a great addition to homemade frostings and whipped cream.