Can you start a sentence with while?

Can you start a sentence with while?

Generally speaking, starting a sentence with while followed by a comma is not wrong, or grammatically not correct. … The sentence you wrote as example should not have a comma after while: While it looks warm outside, there is actually a cold breeze so it is not warm at all.

What is the full meaning of wow?

So now you know – WOW means "World Of Warcraft" – don't thank us. YW! What does WOW mean? WOW is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the WOW definition is given.

What has happened grammatically correct?

It's wrong because has happened, as the perfect tense, indicates an action that is momentary, or at least completed; whereas for a while now indicates something continuing and requires the imperfect tense. So It happened a while ago or It has been happening for a while now, but not ?It has happened for a while now.

What is a little while?

for a little while. The phrase "for a little while" means "for a short time". "For a little while" is more common and natural than "for a short time" in conversation.

What does every once in awhile mean?

: sometimes but not often : from time to time : occasionally We still see each other every once in a while.

What does WHO stand for?

WHO stands for the World Health Organization.

Is it awhile or a while?

"A While" Versus "Awhile" A while and awhile have different meanings. A while is a noun phrase and means “a period of time.” In contrast, awhile is an adverb, and it means “for a time.”

What is the synonym of while?

effort, elbow grease, exertion, expenditure, labor, pains, sweat, trouble, work.

What is the meaning of a while ago?

a while ago means some time ago. The period of time we're talking about can be a day, a week, a couple of months or, possibly, even a couple of years. It is always relative to the situation in which this expression is used.

What is the meaning of will?

A2. (also 'll) used to talk about what is going to happen in the future, especially things that you are certain about or things that are planned: Clare will be five years old next month.

What does in a bit mean?

It has the first meaning given in our dictionary: bit: 1 a small piece, quantity, or extent of something. ​ In this case, is is a small extent of time. They will see you after a short amount of time has passed.

What whole number means?

Whole numbers are positive numbers, including zero, without any decimal or fractional parts. They are numbers that represent whole things without pieces. The set of whole numbers is represented mathematically by the set: {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5…}.

What does I’ll sleep on it mean?

One source defines the idiom as: sleep on it: take at least a day to think about something before making a decision. So, yes, we are talking about a chance to make a decision overnight.

What does long while mean?

How long is "a while"? "You'll have to wait a while" usually means "You'll have to wait a long time." Vam asks a very good question about the phrase a while. Often the verb take is used with a while to show reluctance or difficulty in doing something: In fact, it took a while for anyone to find the error.

What have you been up to meaning?

– it means I haven't seen you for a long time, so tell me what you have been doing? You can answer anything that kept you busy. E.g: "What have you been up to today?" – , "I was at work until 2:00pm, and then I went to the store to pick up some milk."

What does quite often mean?

The term "quite often" means "now and then", or in the speaker's opinion, frequently, but really, not very often, or not "a whole lot".

What does How’s everything going mean?

How's it going. The idiom how's it going is another way to say how are you, how are things progressing, or what's up. The it can refer to life in general, a project, or your day. It should be noted that this idiom is said in many countries with the answer expected to be fine or good.