Can you put Vaseline on a flute?

Can you put Vaseline on a flute?

Don’t ever use petroleum jelly or slide oil on the tenons of flutes or piccolos. It just makes a gummy mess. The petroleum jelly attracts dirt and gets thick and gummy.

Do you oil a flute?

Oil the bore of your flute regularly with a thin coat of organic oil. In very dry climates and with a brand new flute you will have to oil more often—maybe once a week at first and once a month thereafter, depending on how much you play and how much oil the wood absorbs.

How do I get my flute unstuck?

As Victor has said, wiggling from side to side is your best option. Try to grip bare tube as far as possible; putting pressure through the keywork can bend the rods and push pads out of alignment. A (gentle) tap against a hard object can sometimes help to unstick the joint, but don’t overdo it.

Why is my flute turning brown?

Flutes turn brown due to tarnish. The tarnish is the result of a chemical reaction between the silver of a flute and the various compounds it comes into contact with. Even so, it may cause problems if allowed to fully erode, so it is best to clean the tarnish off.

Why does my flute have black spots?

It’s crucial that a flute be played every day to prevent discoloration. This discoloration on the flute is silver sulfide, a product of the silver on the surface of the flute combining with sulfur components in the air.

What can I clean my flute with?

To sum it all up, cleaning your flute is typically best done with anti-tarnish silver polish and rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. You can also use soap and water but in small amounts so as to not destroy the pads or the headjoint cork either.

Can I use alcohol to clean my flute?

regular maintenance Never use silver polish or any other cleaner on your flute. To clean your flute use “saliva” or rubbing alcohol on your cloth. To keep pads clean, don’t eat candy or chew gum before playing and never while playing.

Can I wash my flute with water?

In general, it’s safer to wash in cold water or hand wash and to line dry. Hot water and drying machines can cause them to shrink and not fit over your hard case. If you have a very contagious cold or serious illness, you may need to take your flute to a flute technician who can give your flute a super deep clean.

Can you use silver polish on a flute?

When you’re polishing a flute, don’t use silver polish or other liquids. Although it can be tempting to give your instrument an extra shine, liquid polish isn’t recommended because it can damage the instrument’s finger pads and cause the metal to rust.

How often should you clean your flute?

At the very least, you should clean your flute once a day. Minimum. If you play your flute a lot (like in music school), then you should swab it out multiple times a day. Some flute repair techs might say you should swab as often as every 20 minutes.

How much does it cost to clean a flute?

Typically the cost to professional clean a flute will cost around $50 every few months depending on the frequency of usage. The cost can vary based on location, the state of the flute, and the musical instrument technician but generally will cost around $50.

Why is my flute so flat?

You are trying to check your tuning with a cold flute in a cold room. It takes a few moments for a flute to come up to pitch if it is cold. If you are trying to tune a cold flute, it will always sound flat. So, before tuning, close all the keys and breathe slowly through the closed tube to warm it up.

Which flute is best for beginner?

Bamboo flutes for beginners: Start learning some melodious tunes

  • Sarfuddin flutes- Scale C Natural Medium. If you are looking for a good flute of 19 inches, you can buy this one by Sarfuddin flutes.
  • Punam Flutes- G Natural Base Right Hand Bansuri.
  • SAVE ₹750.
  • HISCIN Bamboo Flute for Deep Low-Frequency Sonorous Notes.
  • Foxit Bamboo Flutes C Natural 7 Hole Bansuri.

How do you know if your flute is broken?

To inspect for small leaks on your flute, perform a test consisting of a series of long tones. The low octave is especially helpful in identifying problems. Using a very light touch, press each key down slowly. If the pads are level and sealing well, the tone will fully respond just as the pad contacts the tonehole.

Why does my flute sound weird?

Possibly: your lips have drifted, and are in a different place than when your tone was great. Pay attention also to where you place the flute on your chin: placing the flute’s lip plate either too high, or too low, or not flush with the skin of the chin, can cause you to sound different every time you play.

Why can’t I play D on my flute?

Check that all the keys look closed, sometimes a spring or linkage can move, indicating a service is needed. On many flutes the E and D keys have adjustment screws ( older flutes may have pins only), these screws can move and a flute tech usually won’t charge for a simple adjustment of 1 screw.

Why does my flute sound so airy?

The most common cause of a fuzzy flute sound is that the student simply isn’t using enough air. Flute is the only wind instrument that does not have a mouthpiece placed directly in or completely covering the mouth.

Is Piccolo harder than flute?

The piccolo is half the size of a flute. This instrument is smaller than the flute, although its size means it can be difficult to play in tune. The piccolo plays higher notes than the flute. They are made from similar materials but the piccolo is known to be harder to play due to its size.

How do I know if my flute needs new pads?

Turn the flute over and look at the pads (under the keys). Do not touch the pads with anything (damage). Look for fraying, peeling, puffing, or tears in the “skin” of the pads. If you see any of these, your flute can limp along for a while, but probably needs repair depending on the severity of the tears.

How much does it cost to replace pads on flute?


Service Estimate of Price
Full Repad $265
Adjustment & Budget Repad $225
Adjustment & Partial Repad $160
Pad Replacement w/ Adjustment *$8.00

How often do Flute pads need to be replaced?

Flute pads typically last 3-6 years, depending on how often you do the maintenance. Make sure to keep your flute clean and dirt-free, and don’t forget to do yearly maintenance to improve the life of your flute pads and flute.

Do flutes need to be tuned?

A flute is a complex instrument, and tuning it differs significantly from the process required for other instruments. The only modification a player should generally make it with the headjoint position itself. The flute’s crown is the cap located on the end of the flute nearest the lip plate and embouchure hole.