Can you pierce your forward helix yourself?

Can you pierce your forward helix yourself?

If possible, don't pierce your forward helix yourself or by yourself. Have a friend help you with the piercing. The forward helix, in particular, is difficult to get to, especially if you are looking in the mirror. This whole process is much easier to do when you have someone there to help you.

Does forward helix piercing hurt?

Does Forward Helix Piercing Hurt? You are likely to experience a forward helix piercing pain. The pain is due to the amount of pressure required to push the needle through the cartilage. On a pain scale of 1-10, the pain level is 5.

What jewelry goes in a forward helix?

Hardware: The most common body jewelry types for the forward helix piercing are CBRs, seamless hoops, or small helix studs with flat disc backing. The standard hole size is typically 18G.

Can you get 3 forward helix piercings at once?

One cartilage piercing that allows for a full-on cartilage bash is the helix piercing. This section of the ear can be pierced two, three, or more times, and when combined with the forward helix, you can have an entire queue of jewelry lining your ear.