Can you join all guilds in Oblivion?

Can you join all guilds in Oblivion?

Yes you can. However there is a thieves guild quest that requires you to steal from a mage. If you are in the mages guild and you take anything other then the quest item you will be kicked from the guild.

What is the best sign to be born under in Oblivion?

Mage is probably the best. You can choose apprentice, but the +50 magicka isn’t really worth the 100% weakness to magicka. Since you regenerate magicka anyway, +50 isn’t a big deal. So go with a Breton Mage, and you’ll do fine, i took that as my first mage playthrough.

Is Magic Fun in Oblivion?

Spells don’t get stronger as your skill increases, but they cost less, like Skyrim. However there is spell making in Oblivion. Once you gain access to it magic becomes so broken it isn’t even funny. Over all magic is extremely powerful and extremely fun.

What’s the best class in Oblivion?

I suggest warrior/stealth type. Although in Oblivion you can’t really specialize in one class, you’ll end up jack of all trades anyway. Save the mage skills for later, start with warrior skills.

What does luck do in Oblivion?

Luck affects the chances of contracting diseases. The Hero has a better chance of resisting disease as their luck increases. If their luck drops below 50, they have a better chance of catching a disease, to the point where a simple hit from most disease giving creatures will contract a sickness.

Can you sprint in Oblivion?

By default, your character in Oblivion is running. Unlike Skyrim, Fallout 4, or other newer Bethesda titles, you cannot move any faster, with the exception of increasing your Speed stat or wearing less heavy armor and weapons. You don’t.

How do you run faster in Oblivion?

To move as fast as possible in the game you have to:

  1. Increase the Speed Attribute.
  2. Increase Athletics Skill.
  3. Wear no armor (or increase Light / Heavy Armor skill to Expert)
  4. Stay out of combat mode.

How do you walk fast in Oblivion PC?

You can also press Q to auto run. If you’re carrying a lot of weight compared to your max encumbrance you will move slowly. The less you carry (or really, the lower the ratio of Carrying Weight to Max Encumberance) the faster you move.

How do you get unstuck in Oblivion?

re: stuck in oblivion Try moving and jumping at the same time facing all directions.

How do I drop items in Oblivion PC?

Select the item you want to drop and then press the Drop command: PC – ⇧ Shift +Click the item you want to drop, or drag and drop it out of your Inventory window.

Can you jump in Oblivion?

It is possible to use an Xbox 360 controller (or any controller which supports Xinput) to play Oblivion under Windows….Copy and paste the following into a file named Oblivion. cfg and save it in your JoyToKey folder.

Button Function
Y Jump
D-pad Hotkeys

How do you throw things in Oblivion?

Hold down Shift and then click on the object in the menu. re: how to i throw away items? Alternate way which also allows to place dropped items: click on the item you want to drop in your inventory and WITHOUT releasing button, move the mouse outside the menu.

How do I increase my carry weight in Oblivion?

Raising carrying limit The easiest immediate solution to becoming over encumbered is to simply drop something heavy. Another, more agreeable permanent solution is to raise the character’s Strength score when leveling up. Unlike Health, a character’s carry limit does not automatically increase with level.

How do you move things in Oblivion?

to drag bodies or objects on the ground. just put your cursor on the thing you want to drag and press Z.

Can you zoom out on the Oblivion map?

No, unfortunately not. This game is too old school for fancy features like that. The only tip i can give is to put your cursor in a corner when you move across the map. Zoom in/out of map?

Can you move bodies in Oblivion?

Moving Corpses. By looking at the body part and pressing grab (Z) you can move it.

How do you throw things in Skyrim?

Press a button, and it gets towards wherever you’re looking. In Skyrim, this is currently impossible. Your “best” option is to just pick something up, swing your character wildly to the side and let go.

How do you sprint in Skyrim?

If you’re playing the original Skyrim, the sprint button is L2 on PS3, LB on Xbox 360, and the Alt button on PC. If you’re playing Skyrim: Special Edition on PS4, the sprint button is now L1. Holding down the appropriate button will make your character run faster, but at the expense of stamina.

Why can’t I sprint in Skyrim?

Press ‘w’, ‘alt’, and then tap ‘r’ once or twice. W and Alt make you try and sprint, and swapping out the weapon with ‘r’ causes the sprint to start. Sometimes I have to keep tapping ‘r’.

Why am I walking slow in Skyrim?

Its usually a matter of caps-lock being pushed while in a menu, it will switch the functionality of the button. Then when you exit out of the menu you are still walking even though it looks like caps-lock is off. Now when you hit caps-lock it will toggle the walk function off but the light for caps-lock will turn on.

Can you dodge in Skyrim?

There is no special mechanic for dodging. Not that you need one, since you can still backup or sidestep at will.

How do you block in Skyrim?

To block, hold the Left Hand (block) control. You can block with a shield, a torch, a one-handed weapon, or a two-handed weapon. To block with a shield or torch, equip one to your left hand. To block with a one-handed or two-handed weapon, equip it before using the block control.